Need "flints"


New member
Took another turn to the black powder side this afternoon. Got an old, but looks servicable, 45 cal flint lock rifle. It was made in Spain and does have some wear. Now, WHERE DO I FIND flints??? And, suggestions on an initial load? I have some experience in 50 cal rifle.
Thanks, Jim Watson and mehavey. I look forward to having a firearm that can't be seized at some point in the future.
Thanks, Jim Watson and mehavey. I look forward to having a firearm that can't be seized at some point in the future.

To be completely fair you would probably be good with a break action shotgun. Single barrel only, double barrel would be “excessive.” Any more than a few boxes of shells would be considered an Arsenal though. :D

Seriously, welcome to the world of rock locks. I’m new here myself, only been shooting flintlocks a couple of years and it’s a blast when you figure out what you’re doing. There’s a satisfaction to knowing you can stock up on less than $500 worth of flints, lead, sulfur, and saltpeter and shoot a lifetime.
I have shot a flinter before. It was fun. It belonged to my bud who for some reason wouldn't buy any flints for it. So I made one from local chert. It wasn't pretty but it worked.

If I could ever figure out how to really knap my own flints I would buy a FL. I have watched several YT videos on knapping flint and I think the real secret is having some of the real English gray flint you can get good spalls off of.
Single barrel only, double barrel would be “excessive.”
Joe Biden told us to go buy a double-barreled shotgun and if anybody starts messing around our house, just go outside and fire it in the air a couple of times.:D
I've been shooting them since the 70s. You almost need to have some different size flints in front of you to try in the gun. Maybe you could call Dixie and with the gun in front of you they could determine what size flint you need. A starting load would be between 65 and 80grs of either 2 or 3F. You'll also need a thin piece of leather to wrap between the flint and the jaws of the hammer. I could be off on my numbers, but about 1" x 2" sounds close. You may try flipping the flint over for better sparks. Buy the ones that are sharp on both ends. Good luck.