Need ballistics info for 7mm-08. 60 yard sight in?


New member
I had to sight my 7-08 in at 60 yards. I'm shooting 140 grain Cor Lokt. At 60 yards I'm shooting 1.5 inches high. What should I expect at 100 and 200 yards at this sight in?

If you are going to use the Nikon Spot On software, pick one of their Nikoplex scopes for your data. Great program and free.
Kind of surprised Remington Core Lokt are no in JBM's database.

According to Remington, their 7mm-08 140 CoreLokt has a BC of .390 and a muzzle velocity of 2860 fps, assuming you are not using the managed recoil stuff.

Punch those numbers in the JBM program I linked above, and make sure you put in an accurate sight height. For what you are trying to do, it is really important.

Set the table Range Increment to 20, and play with the zero range until the 60 yard figure is +1.5"

That should get you in the ball park, but you should reality check at longer range when you get the chance.

OK, I got bored and ran the numbers, using the 1.5" sight height, that is actually a really good hunting zero. The zero is around 230 yards, and the bullet is never more than 2.7" above line of sight out to that range, and drops to just under 6" low at 300 yards.

Now, you sights are probably not 1.5", so measure them, put in the altitude and temp of where you will be hunting, and run them yourself.

Again, once you have the results, you really should do a sanity check in the real world, to see how the prediction from the program matches reality. Some times it is spot on, sometimes.....not so much.
Here ya go roughly 1.5" high at 60 yards



From the Remington "Shoot" software

I downloaded this ballistics software from Remington's ammo site.

Using their 140gr core lokt soft point as the ammo it says:

If sighting in at 60 yds you poi should be +1.438 inches

Your poi at 100 yds with this sight in will be + 2.076 inches

Your poi at 230 yds will be 0.

Your poi at 300 yds will - 5.5

The neat part about their software is that you select your ammo (from the Reminton list), select your sight in yardage, and select where you want ZERO.

Make one click and it tells you where you want impact at the sight in yardage. Then you can check the ballistic chart to see the trajectory.

At your current sight in with that ammo your point blank range (a kill shot on a deer assuming 6" target area) is 0 to 300 yds.

Hope this helps.
You may try these zeros for targets between 100-200 yards

I'm guessing your area for sighting in your gun is limited to 60 yard

35 yard zero

30 yard zero