Need advice

Have you used a laser mounted on a gun before? If not, Id suggest you find one to try before you put any money out. You may love it, but you might also hate it. (Put me in the "hate" column. :))

Personally, Id take that money, and buy ammo and practice, I think you'd be better off. Ive always found the lasers to be to busy and distracting, to the point of sensory overload, especially if youre used to shooting with the sights, or just over them, and the gun is up. It just messes with your "loop".
I'm with AK103K. In my experience, many of the people who are interested in lasers are newer shooters who see them as a fix for any issues they might be having with their shooting skills. But they're not a fix for poor shooting, they're simply a tool. They're a tool that I find annoying and distracting, but there are plenty of skilled shooters who find them helpful, so I'm not going to completely dismiss them; but you should definitely try one before spending a few hundred dollars on something you might hate.

Also, is this laser for a home-defense gun or a carry gun? If it's for a carry gun, I highly recommend using one of the passively-activated lasers like Crimson Trace makes. That way you don't add a button press to your draw. I'm a fan of simplicity, and in a concealed-carry situation a quick, simple, smooth draw is extremely important. Adding an extra button press to that draw is a bad idea in my opinon.
Crimson Trace seems to be the standard.

Read the above posts again though...I would put a "plus one" to everything they said.

Additionally I knew someone that got the Laser Max laser on an LCP and wound up taking it off after he ran the third battery down by leaving it on accidentally. (It's one that has a slide button in front of the trigger guard---slide it either way and it turns on. It's turned off when it's in the middle.)

If you really want a laser anyway maybe take a look at the more expensive green lasers. Even if they are more expensive you might find them easier to see and more useful.
Personally, Id take that money, and buy ammo and practice,
Don't get drug into the Hollywood or advertising myth of a laser being the greatest invention ever in the gun industry.
Good training devise to diagnose various problems, and some limited use in very extreme SD situations.
A battery powered gimmick hanging on your gun is not going to make you a better shot. Practice does.

Crimson Trace seems to be the standard.
for someone on a pretty tight budget?
I'd say CT is not exactly a "tight budget" item. Probably one of the most expensive lasers on the market.
I've shot a good bit and I'm accurate enough to put a full magazine in a chest target at 10 to 15 yards. I want a laser because I can't afford night sights for my home defense gun at the moment. If I could afford night sights I'd get those instead. Crimson trace isn't exactly in my budget either as much as I'd love to have one
I prefer night sights, and the couple of lasers I had, were a lot more than a set of night sights.

Maybe a decent flashlight would be better, until you can save up for the night sights. You should have one anyway, and they are cheap enough these days. You can get a good one for under $20 anymore. No need to break the bank.
There are a couple of more or less accepted techniques that also give some support. Its not a bad thing to practice shooting one handed either.
In my opinion, a flashlight is 100% essential for any home-defense firearm. Whether it's mounted on the gun or carried in your off-hand, you NEED to be able to identify your target before you shoot. What if -- instead of a murderous home invader -- the person who just broke into your house is the 15-year-old from next door who is drunk and is sneaking back into the wrong house?

A set of night sights (or a laser) can be useful, but you can easily get by without them. However, a flashlight is absolutely essential to avoid mis-identifying your target.
I've thought about getting a flashlight but I don't like shooting with one hand if I don't have too ya know.
Learn to shoot two handed with the flashlight. While not actually a two handed grip, holding the light in your weak hand with the lens end at the little finger end of your hand. Use the back of your weak hand as a support for the gun. My light has the on-off button on the end opposite the lens, and can easily be activated with my thumb when I hold the light in this manner. I can also hold the light high, and away from my head, and torso as to not identify my exact location. As opposed to a weapon mounted light, In addition I can use the light without unintentionally covering something, or someone not necessarily the threat, or target.
Another advantage of the light is that with one of the modern high intensity flashlights, an intruder can be blinded, and disoriented to the point they retreat without you using deadly force, and dealing with all the ramifications involved even in a justified shooting.
I want a laser because I can't afford night sights
With the price of the industry standard in lasers being $200-$300, do you really want to trust your life to an electronic devise that costs less than the $75-$140 for good night sights?
But then also, do you want to trust your life to any devise relying on circuits, and batteries?:eek:
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How about the school of thought that
using a laser adds as an extra
deterrent. Would one not hesitate
A second or 2 if being lit up and
seeing a red or green dot on ones
How about the school of thought that
using a laser adds as an extra
deterrent. Would one not hesitate
A second or 2 if being lit up and
seeing a red or green dot on ones
Sorry Doc, pure Hollywood!
Someone would be more likely to identfy your position, and start shooting!
That is if they think at all, which most in that position don't do! :D
I am not talking about that. I'm talking about a face to face confrontation not in your home but out on the street and this is not "Hollywood", this is a real life situation. Anything that gives you a split second advantage more has got to be precious. Different strokes for different folks. Whatever it takes to give you an advantage with a BG I think IMHO you should do and use.
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If you were face to face with someone, why would you be looking at "your" chest for a dot? Wouldnt you just be doing your best, to fire the other boy up?
Ever have someone use a laser on you in the evening or in darkness. Try it sometime. I think you will see it. BTW. I do not use a laser of any kind. Just taking the other side of this discussion. I do carry a very powerful flashlight with a killer strobe on it and that really messes someones sight up.
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