need advice QUICK


New member
hey fellas, i got ahold of some big hunks of pure lead yesterday, smelting now
since they are so large i am using a high heat to get them melted down, i have only ever used WW exclusively, this is my first with pure lead
question is, i am getting weird(but beautiful) blues and oranges and purple colors on top of the melt, tried cooling down and redo-ing but still cant get rid of alll the colors, especially the blue

whats wrong? too much contaminent? or is this just a normal occurance with pure lead at high heat?
Blues, purples, oranges (etc) is beautiful (and characteristic of pure lead)... :D
Just means it's a little hot, and you can turn the temp down.Just flux things as normal and pour into your ingot molds.
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yes, thank you, after poking around castboolits for a minute i let out a sgh of relief, especially since i bought a hundred pounds of it
Pretty ain't it?! Also very normal. It's the color of pure lead oxide, the high heat is needed because pure lead melts at higher temp than any of it's alloys.

Fluxing with sawdust will return much of the oxides that are on the surface of the scrap lead to the metallic state.
okay, i just started taing out the large peice as the bottom gets melted of rather than waiting til the whole 10pound chunk is liquid, bac to shiny chrome ingots again