Need advice on CCW law. (Nebraska)


This is my first post and I just want to say thanks for the great site and everyone on it.

My question is in my state of Nebraska we do have the CCW law but there some resrictions. AS

In the State of Nebraska where can a CCW Permit holder Not carry a concealed handgun.

A permit holder may carry a concealed weapon anywhere except:Police, sheriff, or Nebraska State Patrol station or office; Detention facility, prison, or jail;Courtroom or building containing a courtroom; Polling place during a bona fide election; Meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or other political subdivision; Meeting of the Legislature or a committee of the Legislature; Financial institutions as defined by Nebraska Revised Statutes ; Professional, semi-professional, or collegiate athletic event; School, school grounds, school-owned vehicle, or school sponsored activity or athletic event; Place of worship; Emergency room or trauma center; Political rally or fundraiser; Establishment having a liquor license which derives over one half of its income from the sale of alcoholic liquor; Any place where the carrying or possession of a firearm is prohibited by state or federal law; Any place or premises or employer owned vehicle where those in control of the place, premises or vehicle have prohibited permit holders from carrying concealed handguns; Any other place or premises where handguns are prohibited by law or rule or regulation.

I attend a very large church and am on the churches visable security team and in the state of Nebraska you are not allowed to carry a CCW in a "PLACE OF WORSHIP". Me and the church are working on trying to get that changed. For example you are not allowed to carry in a bank unless you are demmed a security guard. So my question is can someone point us in the right direction to what to look for or whom to talk to that we may get this bill at lest looked at. We are just trying to figure out what we need to do to get the state to allow people or even just trained, demmed security to be able to carry while in church.

Thanks. Dave
I'm not familiar with your state's laws, but you can try posting this over at and see if they can help, if you don't get much response here. It's an online forum for concealed carry and there are a lot of knowledgeable peeps there. Good luck.
in the state of Nebraska you are not allowed to carry a CCW in a "PLACE OF WORSHIP"

In SC, the similar clause has a caveat: "unless express permission is given by the appropriate church official or governing body;"

If your state has a similar reading, it seems like the Board of Deacons/Elders or the Pastor could give permission.
Permit holder may not carry in church

First off I will throw out the disclaimer that I am NOT an Attorney. I am a CCW Instructor who has a pretty good understanding of the laws though.

If you are a NE concealed handgun permit holder, under no circumstances may you carry a concealed handgun in a church.

Now if you are NOT a permit holder, you could possibly carry a concealed handgun without a permit under the affirmative defense section of the concealed weapon law. NE Statute 28-1202 Section 1B

Section 28-1202
Carrying concealed weapon; penalty; affirmative defense.
(1) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, any person who carries a weapon or weapons concealed on or about his or her person such as a revolver, pistol, bowie knife, dirk or knife with a dirk blade attachment, brass or iron knuckles, or any other deadly weapon commits the offense of
carrying a concealed weapon.
(b) It is an affirmative defense that the defendant was engaged in any lawful business, calling, or employment at the time he or she was carrying any weapon or weapons and the circumstances in which such person was placed at the time were such as to justify a prudent person in carrying the weapon or weapons for the defense of his or her person, property, or family.

(2) This section does not apply to a person who is the holder of a valid permit issued under the Concealed Handgun Permit Act if the concealed weapon the defendant is carrying is a handgun as defined in section 69-2429.

(3) Carrying a concealed weapon is a Class I misdemeanor.

(4) In the case of a second or subsequent conviction under this section, carrying a concealed weapon is a Class IV felony.

Cross References:
Concealed Handgun Permit Act, see section 69-2427.

Laws 1977, LB 38, § 234
Laws 1984, LB 1095, § 1
Laws 2006, LB 454, § 22.
~Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement, 2006

As for getting this changed in the NE law, good luck! Best thing would be to get as many citizens as you can from your congregation to write their individual Senators and ask for the change. I don't visit this site normally, just happened to stumble across it on the net. You can email me direct if you want to discuss further.

chris (at) neccwtraining (dot) com