Need advice on 10/22 not feeding


New member
I have a 10/22 from the 70s it used to fire with every pull now it dosent! I have took it apart oiled it and clean it still no good even with fresh ammo.

I have a 10/22 from the 70s it used to fire with every pull now it dosent!

Just for clarification; When you squeeze the trigger, It does not fire … Right ??

Or, it fires but won't eject and feed another round out of the magazine …Right??

If it doesn't fire, is there a firing pin impression on the rim of the case?

Be Safe !!!
OK, to be clear, and make sure we're understanding things correctly,

rifle loads normally, fires one round, extracts and ejects the fired case normally, but does not feed another round into the chamber?

At what point does the bolt stop? Does it shut all the way but not feed another round? or does it stop with the next round part way to the chamber? or does it stop where it tries to push the next round out of the magazine??

You cleaned and oiled it, so that shouldn't be an issue, have you tried more than one magazine?

The most likely problem is a magazine issue, but its not the only possibility, just the most likely and a very easy one to test. Try another magazine (one you know works) and see if the problem goes away or changes.

Let us know what happens, (and specific details if you can).
Check the two screws holding the barrel onto the receiver. Are they both tight? Also, it the bolt closing completely each time you release it or is it not completely when you get a failure to fire?
The bolt looks like its closing all the way. I took this into a gunsmith years ago he fixed it and it fired on every trigger pull. I think because it's old the firing pin might be to short,anyway I have a call into a gunsmith.
Back about fifteen years ago I quit shooting .22lr competition matches as part of three gun matches. I shot a minimum of seven cases of rimfire ammo a year for around ten years. That's 35,000 rounds a year. I used three handguns and one rifle. In all that time I never wore out a firing pin...believe it or not. The rifle was built on a Ruger 10/22 receiver. Almost every failure to fire I ever had (and I didn't have all that many) was caused by crud (wax and powder residue) in the chamber and from using very waxy ammo. I used to keep a chamber brush with me at the bench and give the chamber area a good brushing prior to shooting for score. I'm not saying it is, but I'd strongly suspect your chamber is a bit dirty and/or you're using heavily waxed ammo. The absolute most important thing to clean on a rimfire rifle is the chamber. If it and the bolt rails are dirty, you're going to get misfires and failures to feed. SCRUB the chamber out vigorously and see if that helps. If you're using ammo such as Remington ammo, try something else as a test to see if that's part of your problem. If price is a consideration, just try some cheap GECO std. velocity's lubed like Eley and RWS. More of an oil than a thick wax.
One more thing Jasonzee. The next time you get it to not fire, look at the base of the case and see if you can see a mark where the firing pin hit. I'm wondering if you are simply getting light strikes - which could be caused by dirty firing pin channel or weak spring.
I took it apart and looked at the bolt and a I pushed the firing pin from the back it does not come out a little to strike a case! I will buy a new firing pin. Everything else is good the bolt closes all the way the screws are tight.
Even though you buy a new pin, don't discount the possibility of a dirty channel and/or weak spring. As long as you have it apart, you might as well address everything at once.
I doubt that 0.0035 to 0.0040 of an inch will make that much difference:


As was mentioned previously, there could be some gunk on the back side of the firing pin stop pin preventing full forward travel, or in the firing pin channel in the bolt.

Doesn't read like the hammer spring is weak, as it does fire at least one round.

First, the rifle would fire but not feed. When questioned, now it will not fire at all. Then a 'smith has been involved a few years back, and now, a defective part is suspect, self diagnosed. What next?

Jasonzee, I wish you all the best with your problem, but your story is changing all the time.