Need Advice... Glock 17 9mm

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I'm considering purchasing a Glock 17 9mm for a number of reasons (weight, reliability, safety, durability, and reputation). Any thoughts? This will be my first handgun and I was wondering about a couple of things. What is the safest, most reliable ammo I can use? I've read about the the kB! factor and have come to the conclusion that it doesn't happen much with the 9mm. Is this true? I guess I'd just like to hear some general opinions about this gun.

You are thinking of purchasing one of the most reliable and dangerously, ugly 9mm pistols out there. No double action-same trigger pull throughout. Very streamlined. Stays with the K.I.S.S. rule. No problem with KABOOMs with factory loads. The Glock's ease of chambering rounds can be trouble to re-loaders and top-end cartridges due to oversized chambers..stress's brass more..but not at all in the 9mm. Look at the G19 too. It is their Subcompact and fits some to a "T" included! Look at Hope you will be a Glockster soon!
Saw a guy blow up a Glock 17 with reloads. Saw a Glock 19 barrel lug crack. Plenty of 40/45s have blown up with factory ammo too.

NYPD had so many probs with their Glock 19s jamming they almost dumped them completely (did dump SIG BTW).

Just a little balance.

That said, great guns. Nothing is perfect. Glock sems to be closest for the mostest.

Shooting the Glock 32 (357 SIG) lately: wundebar!

Also a Glock fan. I can't think of any other pistol between $400-$500 that is better. And I don't agree with the "ugly" comment, I like the appearance a lot.

As for reliability, accuracy, and hands-down combat readiness, Glock is a winner. The Glock 17 is my first choice in recommendations to newbees. Everyone that has ever shot one (especially women), says the same thing.."Nize!"

Unless you are looking for optimal accuracy and match grade shootability in the $1000+ category, go with the Glock 17, you will not be disappointed.
Cortez--the G17 would be a good choice for all the reasons you mentioned.

FWIW, the PD in my area likes Winchester Silvertip HPs in their G17s. But other cartridges would be as good if not better.
Glocks are some of the BEST looking pistols out there... especially their 23-C... need some cold water QUICK!!!

Regarding the safest, most reliable ammo you can use in a Glock 17:

I suggest Federal's American Eagle load, which if I recall correctly is a 124gr FMJ. It's not my first, second, or even tenth choice for defensive purposes but it is very high quality ammunition. Really, though, any ball load from a major American manufacturer (Federal, Winchester, Remington, CCI) should work fine. The CCI Blazers are a good buy at the lower end of the cost spectrum. The only brands that I can think of to avoid are American Ammunition (headstamp "A-MERC") and Wolf, and any surplus ammo in a box with Chinese or Arab markings.
I've owned a Glock 17 for years now. This was an exLEO pistol and has now had thousands of rounds through it. It is simply the finest pistol for the money in the world. The ONLY ammo problem I ever had was in trying to feed it some 9mm Corto (.380) once (don't ask). It fired fine but obviously didn't extract the cases. Took me a few moments to realize just how boneheaded that move was!

I would trust my life to this pistol.
I am interested in buying a glock soon. i was wondering what are good prices in the used section. what should i be looking for?

I have seen refurbished G17s with two hi-cap mags going for $400-$439 at local gun shows. Seems like a reasonable price. New G17s are $439 with two 10rd. mags. With the rebuilt Glocks you get a full warranty plus $120 worth of mags.
I agree wholeheartedly with most of the posters here, the Glock is a great firearm, and one to trust in a pinch. Don't agree that it is ugly tho, I think of it as a "businesslike" look. With all the black plastic, and somber matte finish the Glock LOOKS like it was made for one thing....
shooting people. And in fact that IS what is what made for. It is a defensive tool, to be used to regain control of your situation when you are confronted with deadly force. In that respect it is peerless. Other blue steel and wood pistols may look prettier, but my Glocks
look plenty sweet to me.
I bought an old model 17 with 3 high caps from a local dealer and it was like brand new. Never thought I would buy one, much less a "used" gun, but the high cap mags clinched the deal. I sent it to the factory to upgrade the firing pin safety(free) and had the adjustable rear sight installed ($15.00). At 25 yards with 115 grain ball this sucker can keep them in the x ring with no problems. It is one heck of a value for the price IMO. As for looks, well, it kinda grows on you like an ugly woman. :)
Joe D. - Where are you located, man? Everything at local gun shows here is extremely overpriced. Gun shows here are just legalized rape of unwary suckers. You're more likely to get struck by lightning than find a good deal on ANYTHING, like that G17 with 2 hicaps. I for one am sick and tired of it, and will not be attending any more. It's one thing to pay $7 to scour for a few good deals if there were any, or another to get in free to look, knowing that everything is inflated. But to pay $7 for the bendover, without being kissed first.....?

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited November 08, 1999).]
I own a Glock 26 and am very happy with it. A friend has a Glock 17 and is happy with everything -but the size.
It's such a big gun for concealed carry that he keeps it in a large fanny pack. He says he should have gotten a 19.
I think you should give the Glock 19 a good look.
I have a Glock 17, and I love it.

I have bee shooting in IDPA for a while now, and have used my S&W 669, Sig P-210, custom 1911, and Kel-Tec P11. (I've had a Sig P-239, which didn't fit my hand well, and a Sig P220.)

I find the 17 the easiest to shoot well of the bunch. I consistently shoot faster, more accurately, with more confidence with the Glock than with any of the others. Mag swaps are easy and natural.

I could probably do as well or better with the P-210, but magazine exchanges are more difficult -- because the mag well isn't beveled, and because of the awkward heel-type mag release; it is very accurate. I think it would take me a lot longer to become as good with the P210 as with the Glock.

(My son was in training to be a cop, and I bought the refurbed Glock so he had something to shoot during the school firearms program -- they furnished clapped out S&W autos, but you could use your own.
He did very well with it. And as I started to shoot it, I was amazed at how well it worked for me. I am now a Glock believer -- at least for the 9mms.
What i like about the glocks are that they are very simple. Not alot of buttons. only the slide release and the mag release. very easy to use.
I also, am a new Glock user. Bought a new 17 October 5. Fine pistol. Shot a 242/250 with it first time I fired it. As has been posted it is simple to operate. My thought at first was - "this sucker is a revolver that thinks it's a semi-auto!"
I've carried and shot revolvers for many years. Colt's D.S. and Smith's Combat Magnum 19 and 66 and the M13 M&P Smith. The Glock 17 is as simple to learn as the revolvers were and the recoil is much easier to deal with.
Now I'm thinking a Glock 19 wouldn't be a bad idea at all for carry.
Keep safe all.
I also, am a new Glock user. Bought a new 17 October 5. Fine pistol. Shot a 242/250 with it first time I fired it. As has been posted it is simple to operate. My thought at first was - "this sucker is a revolver that thinks it's a semi-auto!"
I've carried and shot revolvers for many years. Colt's D.S. and Smith's Combat Magnum 19 and 66 and the M13 M&P Smith. The Glock 17 is as simple to learn as the revolvers were and the recoil is much easier to deal with.
Now I'm thinking a Glock 19 wouldn't be a bad idea at all for carry.
Keep safe all.
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