Need advice adjusting trigger on Browning 52 Winchester

Chief Logan

What do you do so you can set the trigger pull on this gun. It presently has over 72 ozs of pull. Cannot adjust it. Though it is ten years old, it is still new in the box and has never been fired. Browning will not fix it because it is over ten years old and not still in production. (Not very neighborly of Browning.)
Moving this over to the Smithy advice there

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Well Chief, I don't want to have any liability either so I'll tell you a story about MY Winchester 52 reproduction.

I was thrilled to see this gun on the rack at my favorite gun store and bought it on the spot along with a Leupold 4x12 and base and rings. Cleaned it, oiled it, put it all together, and had it on the range that weekend.

Oh, I snuggled down on that finely figured walnut and slipped a CCI Stinger into the chamber. The bolt locked up like a tuned artillery piece. The fore end was gently nestled in an Uncle Bud Bull Bag and the crispy crosshairs centered naturally on the TargDot. My finger pad gently carressed the cool serrated steel trigger...squeeze,squeeze, breathe, SQUEEZE...

Oh. I must of left the saftey on... whoops... must have been excited... he he

NO, the safety was OFF.

You got a light trigger, Chief. 4.5lbs. is not too bad... Mine was more like six... and 4" Stinger groups at 50m.

Obviously, this rifle needed some work. It was bought to be a user gun not a show gun. Took the damn thing completely apart, dug out the steel bedding block under the "recoil lug" and rebedded using the block and a pillar rear. Barrel continued to free float eventhough the action was sunk about 1/16" lower in stock.

My Winchester repro 52 has a MicroMotion trigger (it's so heavy it won't move). The lawyers included a tiny roll pin to prevent the "pull" screw from being adjusted any farther out than factory settings. I took matters into my own hands. This rifle is mine and for my use only. I am a competent individual and very familiar with guns and proper safety procedures. I removed the pin.

The trigger is now fully adjustable and close to the original model function as I understand. Mine is very light now and almost no overtravel... in short, a delight.
My rifle now shoots 5/8" with Winchester Powerpoints with an occasional flyer in a five shot group. My gun continues to dislike Stingers- won't shoot'em straight, won't feed them through the magazine either!

Chief, since your gun is new in box, you'd be ill advised to start messing with it now. Get a Kimber- if you can bear to take such a beautiful work of art like the Super America out in the woods!