Need a schematic for a Nylon 76


New member
I'm trying to identify a small part for my uncle and a drawing and numbered parts list would help.

I don't have the gun, so I'll pass on the description, such as it is...the small cylindrical piece under the bolt(?) that the allows the lever to retract the bolt. That's what he said.

Until I get up his way that's all I have to work with and I've never seen the inside of a 76. Numrich has most of the parts available, but no drawing.


Why did I even consider asking anywhere else?

:D First I thought about posting my question at nylonrifles, then thought about e-mailing some the posters there, then considered some other options and finally came to my senses.

One post and BINGO!

I thank you, my uncle thanks you and my father, too. I bought the rifle sight unseen and gave it to my uncle because he wanted one (I figured I still owed him for the 39-A Mountie he gave me in '63 and has been trying to get back ever since :) )

He wanted to give it the once over and baby it and now says that he's learned his lesson - it's too complicated. The missing piece could still turn up in his basement, but he's tired of looking.

Thank you very much,


P.S. - Do you mind if I forward the pic to nylonrifles? They have the 66 pic and parts list available, but not the 76.