Need A Multipurpose 12ga Platform


What is the most reliable gas semi-auto 12ga shotgun that can handle cartridges from 2 3/4 - 3 1/2?

Beretta A400 Xtreme
Winchester Super X3
Remington Versa Max

Does anyone have experience with these? Better choices than these?

I'm looking for one shotgun that's:
3-gun capable in terms of reliability
Being able to shoot magnum slug loads (Lightfield, Dixie, Brenneke)
Going on very infrequent duck and goose hunts

I'll have two barrels. Longer one for hunting and a 18.5"-20" barrel for the slugs. I like gas for ease of different cartridges/loads and for recoil.
I'm a huge fan of the Remington 870, but I'm old and slow. I wants something a bit faster for 3-gun shooting so I picked up the Mossberg 930 JM Pro Series.

Its modestly prices, highly reliable and will do anything you mentioned in your post. You can get shorter barrels if you wish'

I haven't tried one, but for your hunting purpose The 930 Pro-Series Sporting version might be a better option.
Does Beretta offer a short barrel for the Xtreme? I own two of their gas guns and they work great, but I am unaware of any short barrels or one set up for three gun with an extended mag - hopefully someone else can fill in that part.
kraigwy, The Mossberg 930 JM Pro will not accept 3 1/2" shells, so it didn't make my list. Other than that, it looks like a very solid gun.
Fitasc, The Beretta A400 xtreme only comes in 28", 30" or 32" barrels so I'd have to get one cut down (extra expense). There are third party magazine extension tubes for it.

I'm seeing postings on the web where people are having problems with it cycling 3 1/2" ammo. Have you shot any 3 1/2" through yours?
I own the Xplor Unico, another 3.5" Beretta gun. It is my wife's sporting gun (and since she doesn't use it, I do ;)). I will never have the need for a 3", let alone a 3.5, so I can't answer that. That said, it handles my 3/4oz reloads nicely with zero issues, so I imagine it should handle those ocular-jarring, shoulder-bruising behemoths!
Unless you goose hunt, and do it a lot with steel shot there is no justification for 3.5" shells. For other waterfowl 3", even 2 3/4" steel is more than adequate. For geese a 3" shell loaded with some of the heavy bismuth shot or similar is a better option than 3.5" steel. But they are more expensive. For the guy who only hunts geese on occasion 3" is plenty with the more expensive ammo. If you're the kind of guy who shoots ammo by the case at geese then 3.5" steel is justified.

For any other use 3.5" shells are more of a detriment than help. Out of a typical 7.5 lb shotgun you're talking about recoil that matches 458 WM with lead turkey loads, buckshot, or slugs. 3.5" steel will get your attention, but recoil is somewhat tolerable.

Another thing to consider. Most of the semi autos that handle 2 3/4" and 3" shells function just fine with either. Most of the semi-autos that are made to handle 2 3/4", 3" and 3 1/2" function just fine with the longer shells, but all of them are somewhat less reliable with the shorter shells. It makes no sense to me to buy a gun that is reliable with the ammo you'll likely never use, while giving up reliability with the ammo you'll use 95% of the time.

The 3 1/2" shells have their place, but they are a specialty ammo. If I had to have one gun that would function with any shell length it would be the Benelli Nova.

A gas operated semi won't function reliably with low powered shells from shorter barrels and extra barrels to make it versatile are very expensive. You are just about as well off to buy 2 guns as try to buy multiple barrels for one.

Take the big shells off the table and you open lots of other doors. I prefer inertia actions and use Benelli M-1's for semi autos. The best choice for what you want to do is an 870 or Benelli Nova. I really like the 870 best with 3" and shorter shells. If you absolutely, positively have to have 3 1/2 capability then the Nova.

You aren't going to find a semi that will do what you want, especially a gas gun.
The VersaMax is an Argo system. While technically gas, it is not even in the same realm as the piston gas systems...the design is better.

While I find I usually agree with kraigwy, the JMPro is not a shotgun worth buying and even if he gets lucky, he won't use it long. When you say "3Gun" there are only a handful of guns suited to that task, and the VM the only one on your list.

The VM is a good system and I spent a good deal of time on that platform. In fact the VM Tactical is a copy of my personal VersaMax with my design changes on it. It is a great design, but, there are some issues. A new hammer, cam pin and a few tweaks and it is one of the softest and most versatile shotguns on the market...and durable. In 3.5" guns, the VM and the Browning A5 (new version) are the only two I would consider for a hard use, multipurpose shotgun. While I have one, and will be shooting it this week, it is not my first choice overall, but you said you wanted a gas gun.

jmr40 did a good job of talking about 3.5" shells, so I will not repeat.
All three you noted work just fine. Comes down to which you like best. I have seen more small issues with the Beretta, but they did get resolved (and not by me).