Need a little assistance please

Geared Up!

New member
If any of y'all have a minute to waste, I would appreciate a little help. We switched servers (is the third time the charm?) again last week and the shopping cart *seems* to be a little buggy. Problem is, we test and retest and cant seem to duplicate the errors. I could use some help if any of you would take the time to test out the shopping cart... with *multiple* items adding and removing, recalculating, etc... on the secure server.

For credit card info just use
4111 1111 1111 1111
with any valid expiration date, and put test everywhere personal info is listed.
start here:

If you have *any* problems, please let me know. This may save me the trouble of redesigning the whole darn site with a new shopping system, which would wipe me out for about a month. Thanks in advance.

Geri Weaver

BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping
Worked fine for me!!!!

(now, if the bill turns up on my Visa statement, you're gonna be in deep shi .... err, that is, sheep dip! ;))

Glad to help -- I run two sites with about 1500 'Shopping Cart' items. We dropped "commercial" systems and got our ISP to write us a .cgi script for shopping.

M-u-c-h easier.

This is a cgi script... and it worked fine on two prior servers. We switched to an NT server (and I am *very* happy with the service), but the cart had to be "tweaked". We got errors like credit card info an no order info... $0 balance for orders... crashed (OMG!) computers when they get to a confirmation page... what a nightmare. Our hits are soaring since the switch, but the actual sales have hit about 1/2 average.

For a few days, the cart has tested fine... but I need a really vigorous test and you guys are doing a great job so far. I see all of y'all shopping... and all feed back is appreciated.

Thanks much.
Geri Weaver

BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping
I just tried it. I keep receiving a Netscape JavaScript error on every page.I sent this info on the comments area also in case that doesn't come through. Though I use an older Netscpe;3.something.
Set up an order and tried changing. Received "I'm sorry, your shopping cart is currently empty". Was able to back button and add to cart. Cart still had earlier contents. Added some more (hope I don't have to pay for all this :)).Removed a couple of items, then tried changing but it kept returning to shopping cart contents screen without allowing for any change.
BTW the flashlight page doesn't have links at the bottom to any other pages on my screen.
After secure screen, order confirmation screen registered $0 and 0 items.
Now this is the type of stuff I can really use... thank you so much.

The links issue is easily fixed... the browser issue is going to take more *tweaking*. I might ask you to try again after my script expert works at it a bit... if you don't mind.


BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping
Got a 404 Error once on the "Continue Shopping" button. Also, the "Will your billing address and information be the same as your shipping address and information" screen came up with one little unmarked square button on it (entered "test" for all available boxes). Pressing the button brought up the secure screen, but it seems like this should have "yes" and "no" option buttons. I run with Java off (applets can be unkind), so I can't comment on Java issues. My evaluation would be that your server seems a bit spotty, but overall functional.

I found a similar problem to fal308. Using Win98/Ns4.08. I added three different items to my cart. Tried to delete one item and got the "Your shopping cart is empty" page.

When I changed quantities the cart updated correctly with the new totals.

Errored checked the date function in the submission screen. It won't accept 01/1999 as a valid expiration date. (I'd like to say I did this on purpose, but... ;) )

Order processed normally with a valid expiration date and produced a page to print out as a receipt.

Well... at least the expiration date rejection is working correctly. OK... we've tweaked, reformatted, edited and published.

I appreciate all this help. Keep up the testing if you have a chance... I'm passing on your comments to my programmer.

Oh... and BTW... if any of y'all are looking for a really great hosting service, this guy has worked his butt off for me, and he hasn't charged me a dime yet. Amazing... I had to send him some gormet coffee cake as a thank you gift cuz I felt so guilty.


BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping
Worked fine for me: Win98, Communicator 4.5.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight

Worked OK at home last night on the PC using Win 98 and Netscape, so thought I'd try it this morning at the office, using Mac OS 8.5.1 and both IE and Netscape:

With IE 4.5
Clicking on Continue Shopping tried to link to with a 404 error message.

No other problems I could find

With Netscape Nav 4.5
The Mountain House HP Food
After ordering, the Shopping Cart page shows "broken" links for all graphic elements.

No other problems I could find.


PS: Why is Aussie such a good market?

At an educated guess, I would say:

1. We _do_ enjoy our outdoor adventure-type sports, so demand is high
2. We don't have the range you offer -- we seem to go from "army-surplus" stuff to the high-end, high-price "Paddy Pallin"-type yuppie outdoor adventurer "name-brand" gear -- at hideous prices.
3. In many cases, American quality is higher than what we can buy at "reasonable" prices here.
4. Too many people with too much money and not enough to spend it on ;)
That 'error on every page' is due to my website reporter statistics. Can you give me the exact wording of the error? It's probably something easy to fix, and you are the first to clue me in.


BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping
"With IE 4.5
Clicking on Continue Shopping tried to link to with a 404 error message."

What page/item were you on? This is easy to fix, but it is linked only to the product page, not the cart itself. Do you remember?

"With Netscape Nav 4.5
The Mountain House HP Food
After ordering, the Shopping Cart page shows "broken" links for all graphic elements."

This is an annoying problem that I am trying to resolve. I don't want any pics on the order pages. Takes to long to load and is unnecessary. Gotta talk to the script writer when I can get all the priority stuff out of the way.

Thanks for your feedback.


ps... If you have so much money, how bout sending me a ticket? I could use the vacation, and I'll bring some high quality gear to deliver personally!

BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping
Just tried it again. Seems to work okay.
The message I keep getting (on the product pages only) is JaveScript Error line xxx screen is not defined. With an ok button.The first xxx is the section (Blackhawk), the second is page (slings) and the third is a number (362)