

New member
Had a successful hunt in Nebraska for rifle opener this weekend. I'll try to post more details in the coming days, we are whipped from all the walking we did. Getting in bed now.

Well we humped it all over the pine ridge, put 16 miles on in two days. Not a very heavy deer population, and rarely saw any mulies let alone mulie bucks. Guys were killing a lot of whitetails though.

Friday night we hiked back in about 4 miles and set up a camp overnight. The plan was to set on opposing ridges in the am and let people push deer up the valley to us. About 45 minutes after sunrise that's exactly what happened. I saw my buddy moving around on the other ridge, so I pulled my binos up and watched him. I could see he was prone aiming down into a group of trees. Right then I saw his muzzle blast, and a few seconds later heard the 06' boom.

He had taken his first deer, ever at about 250 yards. A small 9 pt, but a great first deer for sure.

Yesterday morning was very windy with snow, we went back about 2 miles and set up overlooking a drainage. After about an hour the wind was bucking pretty hard and I decided it was time to go after them, we started walking the shelves around the ridges glassing down into the bottoms. We ended up jumping one doe but that was it.

As we worked our way to the south we sat down and took a break to get some food and water. At this point the winds are screaming.

We rolled over the next ridge and were in a small group of young pines when I saw a mulie doe two ridges over with a buck on her tail. I slid down on my butt and kicked my shooting sticks out. Then, they disappeared behind the ridge immediately in front of us.

Thinking they may roll over further to the right I hopped up and readjusted to where I'd have a better shot. For about ten seconds nothing happened when all at once they both appeared coming down off the ridge. My buddy was calling out ranges to me as they were moving down. At 144 yards I touched a round off and saw him quickly hunch up.

Then he disappeared, thinking I may have missed I ran around the rim to cut him off if he made it up. Nothing,so I crept down through the pines into the bottom. I finally found his tracks and started trailing them in the snow. That's when I found a tiny spec of blood.

I looked up and there he was laying in a drainage. Wow I was pumped.

Thanks, it was a fun trip, quite different from Ohio bowhunting that I'm accustomed to.

I will say the people of Nebraska were a welcoming bunch and helped us out in every way possible.

I loved the terrain out there and the seemingly endless tracts of land we were able to hunt on. I think a return trip is in order. :)