Nebraska gun legislation killed.


New member
Lincoln Journal/Star

Gun bill voted down by lawmakers
By JoANNE YOUNG / Lincoln Journal Star
Friday, Mar 28, 2008 - 04:00:19 pm CDT

The Legislature on Friday extinguished an attempt to address gun violence in Nebraska — even in a form it was believed the National Rifle Association would not oppose.

The amended bill (LB958), introduced by Judiciary Committee Chairman Brad Ashford of Omaha, would have:

* Required a report on gun violence from the Nebraska Crime Commission;

* Established a hotline to report lost or stolen firearms;

* Eliminated the need for a state permit to purchase a handgun;

* Extended the time mental health records can be used for background checks.

Originally, the bill would have traced how young people obtain guns, required trigger locks on every gun sold, required that stolen guns be reported within 48 hours, and required a commission to identify “inherently dangerous” guns that ought to be banned in the state.

The bill’s failure to advance means a state permit will continue to be needed to purchase a handgun.

The legislation was amended, Ashford said, because it was hard to find some type of gun legislation that senators could address without significant opposition from the NRA. When the NRA opposes a bill, the onslaught of e-mails and other correspondence is distracting to senators, he said.

The bill failed to advance to final reading on a 20-20 vote. It takes 25 votes to advance a bill.

Ashford had proposed LB958 in reaction to a mass shooting last year in Omaha at the Westroads Shopping Center’s Von Maur store. Eight people were killed, including the 19-year-old shooter, who turned the gun on himself. He had taken the assault weapon he used from his stepfather’s house.

Ashford will not pursue the gun legislation in the near future, he said.

Sen. Tim Gay of Papillion, who voted against the bill, said the proposed study of gun violence in Nebraska was more “feel good” than substantive.

“I don’t know if it would have accomplished anything,” he said.

Senators who voted against the bill said it had changed substantially from the bill that was heard by the Judiciary Committee.

“It was a completely different bill,” Gay said.

The amended bill would have dropped the requirement for a $5 handgun permit from police or sheriff’s offices, which would have left the National Instant Criminal Background Check System to fulfill that need for both handguns and long guns.

The FBI instant check system provides information on available records of people who may be disqualified from receiving firearms.

Sen. Phil Erdman of Bayard, who voted against the measure, said that although some supported the idea of allowing the instant check system to stand alone, some people had problems with it. The system is sometimes unavailable, Erdman said.

He said the Judiciary Committee doesn’t need a bill to do a state gun violence study. Most of what is in the bill is already available, he said.

I had written a letter to the Nebraska state Senators to address my concern about this legislation. I read the original draft, and it was amazing how it morphed into a completely different bill.

Does this mean that there may still be some common sense in Nebraska? :rolleyes: Any others (especially Nebraskans or Midwest folk) who see this as a positive outcome or do you think the proposed legislation would have made Nebraska safer?

The legislation was amended, Ashford said, because it was hard to find some type of gun legislation that senators could address without significant opposition from the NRA. When the NRA opposes a bill, the onslaught of e-mails and other correspondence is distracting to senators, he said.

Now I hope that the members of this Forum understand why it is so important to join the NRA. :cool:

Does this mean that there may still be some common sense in Nebraska?

Yes, commons sense backed by the NRA. What everyone needs to understand is that after the Van Mauer shooting (in which a nutball SOB used an AK 47 to kill a lot of innocent people), liberal politicians like Ashford seized on an opportunity to impose new gun control laws. Ashford was proposing to establish a "commission" that would review every firearm every year, and propose a list of guns to ban that were not related to hunting. Let me say this again: every year, the commission would advance a list of guns to the Nebraska legislature that should be banned. The NRA (and its members) defeated this proposal. The NRA prevented gun control in Nebraska!

Please, if you don't already belong to the NRA, please join. If you are already a member of the NRA, please consider donating to the NRA-ILA. It is worth every penny.

P.S. Also, don't forget that the NRA is fighting federal legislation to ban guns that has been proposed by the democrats in congress. Please help the NRA fight new federal gun control legislation, too!
required a commission to identify “inherently dangerous” guns that ought to be banned in the state.

Aren't all guns 'inherently dangerous'??? :confused:

I'm glad to see this one died quick. Talk about laying the foundation for a ban under the next administration :barf:
"There are no dangerous weapons, there are only dangerous men"

Aren't all guns 'inherently dangerous'???

I'm glad to see this one died quick. Talk about laying the foundation for a ban under the next administration
Note the language...

When the NRA opposes a bill, the onslaught of e-mails and other correspondence is distracting to senators,
emphasis added

So, they killed the proposed bill, because they new the provisions in it would be opposed by the NRA! And what they are worried about is that concerned citizens actually participating in the democratic process (by sending e-mails and other correspondance to their representatives) is distracting to the Senators!!!

It must be a terrible thing for the senators, being distracted from their important jobs by messages from their constituants! How dare we bother them by telling them how we fell about pending legislation! After all, we are only the people who elect them into office, and who's taxes pay their salaries! How dare we try to have a voice in the political process after all?

I wonder what part of the word representative they don't understand?
"When the NRA opposes a bill, the onslaught of e-mails and other correspondence is distracting to senators, he said."

Someone already caught this, but yeah, I think it's a shame legislators are being distracted with their constituents' views, too. They should be able to lock the doors, take the phone off the hook and do whatever they want with our rights.:rolleyes:
With an election coming up I hope they'll remember this and have those responsible voted out. No quarter should be given.
Not So......

...... the bill, as voted on last week, was NOT opposed by the NRA. The NRA changed its stance on lb958 to "nuetral" in exchange for an amendment that took most of the teeth out of the Bill (but left the annual "crime Commission"in it) and did away with the Nebraska Firearm Purchase Certificate. The certificate is obtained on a shall issue basis by the local County Sherriff after a successful background check, is good for 3 years, and allows the holder to buy firearms w/o waiting for the NICS check, which always seems to be "down" when you need it. Folks LIKE it. It works, but the NICS is the NRA's baby, so they DON'T. The NRA did not consult Nebraskans about this- they don't even co-ordinate with us when a gun bill comes up in the Judiciary Comittee: they just fly Jordon Austin (I think that's his name) in from Virginia, and he gets his tail kicked around the Hearing room by Ernie Chambers and DiAnna Schimek. I have seen it happen TWICE, in person. I'm thinking there has to be a better way to spend my NRA dues than airfare and Ben-Gay for Mr. Austin's bruised behind.

This bill was shot down by true grass-roots activism, started and encouraged by message boards like, sites like Joe's Crabby Shack, and mailing lists from various gun clubs.
In the amended bill that was not opposed by the NRA, the commission that would have recommended the list of firearms to ban on a yearly basis was eliminated, as were the elements of the bill that would have made the failure to report the theft of a firearm a crime.

The NRA's opposition to the bill was so effective that the third amended version of the bill (which would have included a study on factors that contribute to firearm violence, as well as replacing the handgun permit with the NICS system) didn't even have enough support to get out of committee, and it died.

The article cited by the OP is accurate, and it contains Ashford's admission that pressure from the NRA killed the bill. Please check your facts, and please report them accurately. Omaha World Herald articleclearly demonstrates how effective the NRA was in organizing opposition to the assault weapons banning commission:

"I've received hundreds of phone calls from NRA members, and I have committed and promised to hundreds of constituents that I would not support this," said Sen. Arnie Stuthman of Platte Center. "I have no assurances that the NRA has informed its members that it has agreed to the bill."

Stuthman was one of 13 lawmakers who voted against the bill.

Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha said it was almost funny that lawmakers hesitated to support the bill after the considerable concessions Ashford made to the NRA.

Chambers called the bill a "piece of Swiss cheese" that would not address his concerns about ready and easy access of firearms to young black men and young Latino men.

"This bill is zero minus zero, times zero, divided by zero — which means zero," he said.

"The lion has laid down with the lamb, and both are in position in the office of the taxidermist. All life has departed."

Ashford described his latest proposal as an effort to bring all sides together to address gun violence in Nebraska. He said the problem cannot be solved if gun-rights advocates and gun-control supporters remain at odds.

He said the crime commission study will gather critical data for the Legislature to make an informed decision on how to combat gun violence in Nebraska. The study would be due Jan. 1.

Ashford proposed LB 958 in response to gun violence last year in Omaha, which culminated in December with the slayings of eight people at the Von Maur department store. The teenage shooter, who used an AK-47-style weapon that he took from his stepfather's closet, also killed himself.

A family member of a Von Maur slaying victim, as well as a man who suffered a gunshot wound in the store, testified in support of Ashford's original bill at a Jan. 25 public hearing.

In the original version of the bill, Ashford would have made it a misdemeanor crime if a person did not report a lost or stolen gun to law enforcement within 48 hours; increased the possible prison term for crimes committed with firearms; made it a misdemeanor to sell a gun without a trigger or gun lock; created a special 12-member commission to study gun violence; required law officers to trace how juveniles obtain firearms; and required a public awareness campaign about youth and firearms.

When that proposal met opposition, Ashford replaced it with another calling for a special commission to study assault-style weapons and prepare a list of inherently dangerous firearms for the Legislature to consider banning.

After NRA members flooded lawmakers with hundreds of e-mails in opposition, Ashford regrouped and came up with the latest version of LB 958.

I'm sure that your gun club helped too, though. That's exactly what a gun club should do! :)
Hijacking a portion of your quote here

"Chambers called the bill a "piece of Swiss cheese" that would not address his concerns about ready and easy access of firearms to young black men and young Latino men."

WTF? Thats some pretty racist stuff right there. Screw the platitudes about "safer streets," and "For the children". This man is coming out blathering about exactly what gun control laws are for. Controlling the minorities. The Brady Campaign better shut that boy down before people start noticing something.
Ernie's antics......

Ernie knows full well that gun control measures won't stop guns from getting into the hands of minorities (It did not stop HIM from getting one, in his younger days) ....... he just enjoys "sticking it to Whitey".

As for "eliminating a firearms license", that's not it at all. You can own a gun w/o that Certificate. That piece of paper just allows you to do one background check every 3 years, instead of a separate one every time you buy a gun. And it keeps the Feds from being able to figure out how often you buy a gun, without actually going to the business and searching the records of the business(es) where you bought it(them), no?
When the NRA opposes a bill, the onslaught of e-mails and other correspondence is distracting to senators...

I just wanted to say I was shocked and happy about this. You never hear of too many people calling or writing letters or emails to their reps these days, but good on you Nebraskans...keep up the work for the 2A.

I have not read the bill(s) so I cannot say I fully understand what changed from one to another, but in any case, any inaction on the 2A is good for us rather than more control.