Nebraska deer hunting


New member
Well, they did it again, went and changed a bunch of the regs, but this time it's for the better. I am now allowed to get 4 tags, 2 buck only or either sex, and 2 antlerless only. Actually, a person might be able to get on or two more "bonus" antlerless tags in the southeast part of the state but I'm not sure. Basically the tags can be for archery (which are either sex), muzzle loader (again either sex), regular firearm (divided antlered or antlerless as management needs require, computer generated, no choice as to whether or not you get buck only or either), and the new "season choice" special permits (antlerless only).
This new permit is a pretty good deal, it allows a person to hunt during the regular archery season, and then switch to muzzleloader, and also participate in the late firearm season. You can only take one "antlerless" deer with one of these tags, but you have an awful long time to do it, and you can have 3 different types of hunts. These permits are for limited areas, generally 3 miles either side of the major rivers, where the deer populations are the highest, and are intended to reduce the population.
I have already picked up one"season choice" permit and a regular firearm permit (got issued a buck only) so I can get two more permits as long as one of them is for antlerless only. I'm thinkin that I'll probably get 2 more the same as I have now, but I would really like to try and get a buck either either my bow or my .50 smokepole, and that would take me out of the running for a second regular firearm permit.
This aint bad for a state that didn't even have a deer season when I was born.

decisions, decisions,