Nebraska CCW

I grew up in Colorado and CCW was available there long before Nebraska allowed it, so when I heard the Nebraska was going to allow people to carry I researched the laws and I came to the conclusion that the law was overly restrictive.

What is the point of having a permit in a state where many many places are off limits? Why did Nebraska even bother to have a permit that is effectively neutered and mostly pointless to have due to the limitations place on the permit holder?
I didn't get a ccw for a number of reasons. (1) is why should I pay the state patrol $100 to do a background check when I pay the police chief $5 for a background check to get my handgun purchase permit. I doubt the data base used is different. (2) I seen one of the so called approved instructors at a gunshow and I wouldn't pay him $10 for the test let alone the $125. (3) since there wasn't any preemption most of the towns I frequent the ccw is illegal not to mention that the company I work for doesn't allow guns on the grounds. (4) if the ccw law would have been a good one ernie chambers would have put up more of a fight against it. (5) luckily the ccw law still left old laws in affect so you can still have a loaded handgun in your car.