Nearly made me sick

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the story without the commentary :p

What she did is disturbing, to say the least. Although I do take some comfort in the knowledge that multiple induced miscarriages have probably left her unable to have children and thus reduces the chance that she'll be raising kids any time in the future.
Tried that link

I tried that link from the drudge website, but my net wouldn't bring it up. I had to google it and the commentary is what I came up with.

I am disturbed by what she did. It is one of those things that is hard to shake off for me.

I tried that link from the drudge website, but my net wouldn't bring it up. I had to google it and the commentary is what I came up with.

I am disturbed by what she did. It is one of those things that is hard to shake off for me.
Yeah, Drudge is pretty popular. The Drudge/Slashdot/Genmay effect (to a lesser extent) can really hammer a server.

I'm disturbed that she trivialized something that is so tough on so many women but the point of art is to stir emotion so at least it served its purpose.
"Abortion" or "forced miscarriages".... call it whatever you want, but anyone with even a sliver of moral values knows it's nothing short of murder. I can't even comprehend her state of mindlessness.

Absolutely disgusting that she can carry this out legally in America:barf:
Morals are subjective and it doesn't take an immoral person to view that as something other than murder. It's legal because what she did was not legally classified as a homicide.
I don't even know what to say about this. This student is probably the most insensitive, vile person I have heard about in a while now. Perhaps she should have a long talk with all the women who suffer from infertility and those who have experienced INVOLUNTARY miscarriages! Let her hear about the emotional issues and strains put on their marriages. The difficulty and expenses they go through to undergo fertility treatment or find children to adopt. All while this ungrateful college brat makes a public display of her disregard for life by throwing it away and pissing on it in the name of "art".

The only positive part of this is that she (a college age girl) couldn't even get a drunk frat boy to "hit it" and had to resort to artificial insemination. That might cause some to infer that she is as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside and this trash she calls art is the only way she can get attention in her lonely pathetic life. She should make herself the subject of her next project... she can call it 63rd trimester abortion.

wow, sorry... that might have all been a bit harsh.
"Abortion" or "forced miscarriages".... call it whatever you want, but anyone with even a sliver of moral values knows it's nothing short of murder.

Your morals are not necessarily shared by all, not is there any objective reason they should be in this case. It's certainly not murder in the legal sense. And there are plenty of arguments, based in science rather than theology, as to why it's not necessarily murder in any other sense either.

I'd agree that human life does begin at some point prior to birth...this can be argued logically and scientifically as well. But at that early state? Not so much.

Regardless, I'm still largely in agreement with revance. Yes, even the less civil parts.
I don't even know what to say about this. This student is probably the most insensitive, vile person I have heard about in a while now. Perhaps she should have a long talk with all the women who suffer from infertility and those who have experienced INVOLUNTARY miscarriages! Let her hear about the emotional issues and strains put on their marriages. The difficulty and expenses they go through to undergo fertility treatment or find children to adopt. All while this ungrateful college brat makes a public display of her disregard for life by throwing it away and pissing on it in the name of "art".


Although I wish her own mother would have tried something like this while pregnant ...
Regardless, I'm still largely in agreement with revance. Yes, even the less civil parts.

Thank you. I don't think the pro-life vs. pro-choice argument even needs to be started on this issue. It doesn't matter what your beliefs are in regards to abortion. I would imagine even pro-choice people who have even the slightest bit of empathy for others would understand why this is so vile.
I would imagine even pro-choice people who have even the slightest bit of empathy for others would understand why this is so vile.

Pretty much. The only real argument you're going to see from most people is whether it should have been illegal. Obviously, I'm on the "no" side. This is just one in a long list of things I consider reprehensible but defend the right to do.

Doesn't mean I'd willingly associate with such a person. Ever. Or, you know, throw a glass of water on her if she were on fire.
I'd agree that human life does begin at some point prior to birth...this can be argued logically and scientifically as well. But at that early state? Not so much.
Help me out here - what is it if it's not human life? Extraterrestrial? I don't understand, scientifically.
Help me out here - what is it if it's not human life? Extraterrestrial? I don't understand, scientifically.

Well, obviously it's human life in that it's cells with human DNA. I suppose it would have been better to say it's not particularly a person. At least not until later in the pregnancy.

Also, before I jump too hard on the hate bandwagon, I should probably at least consider the idea that the girl might just have serious psychological issues. Be sick, rather than just "sick." I doubt it, though.

EDIT: I'm thinking I'm probably not all that interested in getting into a general abortion debate with you, though...since it's off-topic for this forum (more so than this thread already is), and so any discussion we have will probably be ended prematurely as soon as a mod decides to actually click this thread and see what we're talking about. On the off chance that the OP isn't worth of a lock by itself, an offshoot discussion of abortion in general certainly will be.
Years from now, when she might want to settle down and have a family (people do grow up eventually), she might just realize that her plumbing don't work. Ouch.
Very disturbing. To "play" with the possiblities of a human life (or in some peoples opinion a human life) like it was modeling clay, or paint for a canvas, is simply disturbing.

I have seen a lot, heard a lot more, and witnessed some of the more horrific things that people do to each other, this ranks right up there with those horrors.
To make this gun related, if the first ammendment allows one to do this then why doesn't the second ammendment cover hand grenades and morters and such?
To make this gun related, if the first ammendment allows one to do this then why doesn't the second ammendment cover hand grenades and morters and such?

Good question. I'm going to go with compelling government interest...namely, public safety. This display, while reprehensible, didn't actually hurt anybody. It's arguable that widespread ownership of explosives could lead to increased public injury.

Of course, it's the kind of thing that probably should have to be defended, and shown to actually be necessary.
Didn't hurt anyone

Try telling that to the countless babies that she aborted.

I find it funny that people will go out of their way to protect buds on plants from a frost but will abort an unborn child with little or no regret.


Sorry guys -- thanks for the polite & civil discussion, but this one's just too far off topic.

Edited to add: from the statement recently issued by the school's public affairs department (, it appears this whole thing was a hoax or publicity stunt anyway:

New Haven, Conn. — April 17, 2008

Ms. Shvarts is engaged in performance art. Her art project includes visual representations, a press release and other narrative materials. She stated to three senior Yale University officials today, including two deans, that she did not impregnate herself and that she did not induce any miscarriages. The entire project is an art piece, a creative fiction designed to draw attention to the ambiguity surrounding form and function of a woman’s body.

She is an artist and has the right to express herself through performance art.

Had these acts been real, they would have violated basic ethical standards and raised serious mental and physical health concerns.

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