Near catastrophes


New member
I was wordering how many of you hunters have been in a situation where things could have been very bad, but wern't. I'll start.

This afternoon, a buddy and I were out looking for antler sheds in some pretty steep canyons, got bored, and started rolling rock down the slopes, partly to see if we could spook some deer out, but mostly because it was fun. We walked to the edge of a small (10-15 ft) cliff, and saw a large rock sticking up from the rim. We sat down, braced our backs against a boulder, and used our legs to push the stone out of the face, and out. Unknown to us, the rock played a critical role in holding the cliff up. It went, then the cliff face went, and we rode it down. With all the rocks flying around us, we could have been killed, and I know that I missed losing my legs permamently by about six inches. We walked away, our combined injuries totaling a broken fingernail and slightly sprained ankle.

I was wondering how many others have had similar stories?
Wow lucky you didnt come out alot worse, I have never done anything quite like that, but here in N.H. there are alot of old homesteads from the 1700's and 1800's with deep dug wells 20-30 feet deep that have grass or shrub grown over the hole and when hiking one day almost fell in alone and 5 miles out in nowhere. I did sprain my ankle so bad I didnt think I could make it back, also when out hunting once a mini twister came up ( we almost never have those things here) and was 1 mile from home with trees coming down all around but just by luck made it. I now carry a cell phone and leave a topo at home with the area I am going to circled so my wife can call help if I dont come home at a reasonable time. All I can say is doing what you were was tempting fate, have you ever considered tap dancing on land mines lol.
As a small kid in Oregon I went fishing with my dad.We had about a mile hike from the car thru the woods,and thu a train tunnel.We were fishing the bank of a lake just uotside the tunnel.There was a train bridge 50 yards farther down the tracks that I wanted to fish off of,my dad says what will you do if a train comes and I replied I'd sit out on the edge of the ties ,I was 7 and my little brother was 3, dad didn't let him go.Anyway I'm in the middle of this bridge when here comes a train out of the tunnel, I sat with my legs dangling the train only 12 or so inches away,everything bouncing and jumping, dads eyes bugged out of his head, I was damn lucky
I was out hunting with my two brothers, (years ago, when I was immortal) and we spied two ducks sitting on a pond with skim ice. I told them to sneak up and flush them, but they said they weren't going to shoot, because they would probably end up falling in the water, and the skim ice would keep them from drifting to shore. I said if they did fall in the pond, it was probably only knee deep, and I would wade for them.

Naturally the brother who is Mr. Death with a shotgun dropped his on the ice, and the other brother who was 1 for 398 shooting ducks dropped his also on the ice. I started to wade, and found out the bottom was so steep an deep that I started to stumble to deeper water. I figured I would quick get out there and get back, but by the time I swam to the first duck, I was having a hard time getting a breath, but I stubbornly set out for the second one, and got it. Now I was doing the side stroke with one hand, and to top it off all off, my cheap tube socks were coming off my feet and wrapping together so I couldn't even get a decent kick. By this time, I couldn't inhale, and my muscles seemed like they were seizing up, and I remember one brother yelling to the other, "Don't you go in after him!" I figured I had 30 seconds before I seized up for good, and got close enough to grab my brother's now unloaded gun. I still couldn't catch my breath on shore, thought I was going to crack some teeth chattering before I got back to the van.

I was referred to as "YOUR f**king idiot brother" by both brothers for the remainder of the season.
We walked to the edge of a small (10-15 ft) cliff, and saw a large rock sticking up from the rim. We sat down, braced our backs against a boulder, and used our legs to push the stone out of the face, and out. Unknown to us, the rock played a critical role in holding the cliff up.

That was just plain dumb from the get-go. Why were you doing this? Was it because of a lack of Darwin award nominees?
Not that I haven't had my own Darwinian experiences in life. :D
That was just plain dumb from the get-go. Why were you doing this?
True. Rolling rocks is dumb. But it's also very fun, and neither I nor my buddy have dependants. If we die, its just us. :cool: :D :D
My friend and and I decided to make a tennis ball mortar. We got a piece of pipe, capped one end and filled the bottom with match heads and some sugar. We put a match through the touch hole we had drilled. KA-BOOOOOM!!!! It blew the bottom off the cap end. Shrapnel went everywhere. Neither on of us were touched. Except for the ringing in our ears...
dont remember where i heard this story but i'll try to relate it as accurate as i can.
seems that this guy and his buddy were going to do some duck hunting and all the local water was frozen solid. so they decided that they could increase their odds if they could open up a small pond. one of the guys is a general contractor so he gets a stick of dynamite to blow the ice. idiot 1 and idiot 2 grab thier guns and dog and head out to said pond were they pull out onto the ice. idiot #1 lights the fuse and throws the stick towards a corner of the pond were it hits the ice and slides. attention firmly caught by the sparking and sliding red stick the lab exits the jeep via the window and heads off after the "stick". the 2 idiots scream and yell to no avail as rover retrieves the TNT and starts to bring it back to his owner. not wanting to get blown up by the sucide bomber/ Lab the 2 run towards the bank as the second idiot takes aim and shoots the dog w/ steel shot. dazed,confused and wounded the yellow lab retreats , stick in mouth, to the only cover he can find...
the jeep.