Neal Knox Report - 16 May 2000

May 16 Neal Knox Report -- House Judiciary Chairman Henry Hyde
and Ranking Member John Conyers exchanged negotiation letters on
the eve of the Moms March, and the press is hoping it will lead to action
on the gun provisions of the Juvenile Justice Bill.

Conyers has reportedly agreed to Hyde's proposal that NICS
checks at gun shows be completed unless the buyer is "red flagged"
by the FBI, saying they need more time -- in which case the check
could take three working days, the same as in the Senate's
Lautenberg bill and present law on NICS checks by dealers at gun
shows or elsewhere.

That's a classic distinction without a difference, for unless
the FBI says "hold up," the sale can go through in a matter of
minutes, and 95 percent are approved within two hours -- if you
believe Janet Reno.

They are still hung up on a definition of what constitutes a
gun show, but the biggest sticking point is about keeping records
on those approved as qualified, law-abiding citizens.

Now Conyers has suggested letting gun manufacturers keep the
names and addresses of the final retail purchasers of their
products -- only for 90 days, of course.

That proposal takes us right back to the 178.131 regulations
proposed by BATF and Carter Administration Domestic Policy Advisor
Stuart Eisenstat in 1978. Not coincidentally, Eisenstat is now a Treasury
undersecretary, and knee-deep in these negotiations.

The NICS system came back on line about noon Sunday and was
still catching up yesterday -- so the system celebrated the Million
Mom March with over a three-day waiting period.

I was wrong when I said that prevented legal private sales in
California, which must go through dealers. I forgot about their
10-day waiting period.

By the way, California is rewriting the "clear, easily
understood" S.B. 23 registration law. The regs are at

Rosie O'Donnell said there were 750,000 at the so-called
Million Mom March. Bill Clinton has said there were 500,000 to

That's a lie. Compare the aerial shot of the Moms to what a
real million marchers looks like. A photo comparing it to the Promise
Keepers turnout is at

Bill Clinton is so good at empathizing with everyone that he
even momentarily agreed with Texas Rep. Suzanna Gratia Hupp during
Friday's so-called "Town Hall" on guns.

After listening to Suzanna's horrible story of losing her
father and mother because her gun was in her car, Clinton said:
"She may be right. . . . If there had been someone in the
restaurant who knew how to use a gun and was lawfully carrying it
. . . , maybe they could have stopped this horrible incident."

I'm sure he was woodshedded by Hillary for even thinking such
a thing.

Infrared Expert Carlos Ghigliotti, who told the Washington
Post and the Dan Burton Waco investigation committee that the FBI
FLIR tape shows the government was shooting at the Davidians, died
a little over two weeks after giving the committee staff his final

An autopsy declared he suffered from hardening of the

As the press has trumpeted, the supposedly neutral infrared
experts hired by Waco Federal Judge Walter Smith, Vector Data has
reported that gunshots were visible on FLIR tests conducted at Ft.
Hood last month, but the FLIR video shot by the FBI on April 19,
1993, shows that there was no firing by either the Davidians or the

As Waco researcher Dave Hardy told me: "The FBI said it was
under constant full auto fire during the CS gassing. So either
Vector Data is incompetent or the FBI is lying. Take your pick."

Slowpoke Rodrigo...he pack a gon...

I voted for the Neal Knox 13

I'll see you at the TFL End Of Summer Meet!