NEA Garbage in my mailbox!


New member
Today, when I got my mail, there were several magazines in my mailbox. A beekeeping magazine, My Oct issue of America's First Freedom, and NEA TODAY :mad:
I thought they must have the wrong address, so I checked, sure enough, they sent it to my wife who is an Elementary School Teacher. She hasn't come home yet, but this is a shocker. I think I'd rather see my son reading a copy of spank magazine than to find an edition of this socialist magazine in my hearth. I know my wife is a member of TSTA (Texas State Teachers Association), and after reviewing their policies we decided it was probably a good org. The NEA isn't strong in Texas (praise the lord) and maybe they're seeking new members. I know my wife doesn't even like unions, and certainly thinks teachers unions are bad. She only joined for protection against frivolous lawsuits. She's a life-long libertarian (she indoctrinated me into the party), so I just don't know what to think. After thumbing through its pages, it dripped with socialist rhetoric, and the usual complaints about teacher's pay. OK, here is where me and my wife part opinions. I think that if you choose to be a cop, don't complain about pay. You know your pay will be pathetic. Police, Teachers, Clergy, and Military are vocations. You do them because you feel a calling to do these low-pay, highly satisfying jobs. I never knew a cop who got rich (legally). Most cops I know keep a 2nd job so they can afford to do what they truly love to do. I will be a teacher in two years. Not because I want to get paid a lot. I want to have the influence that comes with teaching. If liberals got their strangle hold in the classroom, then Libertarians and conservatives can do the same thing. I won't be paid squat. I'll make less than what I did in the Army, but this is something I have a moral obligation to do.
This edition of NEA today is nothing more than an Al Gore advertisement. In each article, you can find subtle messages in the text promoting socialism. Then in the dead center, there is HUGE Al Gore advertisement that badly misquotes Mr. Bush, and praises Al Gore. It just so happens to leave out that Governor Bush got ALL Texas teachers a $3,000.00 pay raise. Pathetic. Teachers in general are a pathetic lot. Maybe about 10% are really great teachers. Another 20% are decent enough to where I might allow my child to sit through a year in their classroom. The rest are anti-gun (because the TV say's that's the right thing to do), anti-liberty (because the TV...), morons with very little capacity for critical thought. I would not allow my child to sit in these classrooms. By the time he starts though, we'll both be earning enough to send him to private school though.
The NEA is a HUGE threat to us. If you have wives or husbands associated with this organization in any way, then do your best to get them out. Sorry for the rant. This just makes me mad as ---! By the way, I think I figured out how they got her name and address. She's attended a Microsoft/Intel program this summer, and probably had her name sold to the NEA.
Got the same BS in themail yesterday also as my wife is also an elementary teacher. We dont even bother looking at it anymore. It just goes straight to the trash, litter box liner pile or the fireplace. I, however, dont agree with the pay issue. I agree that you know the pay is low and you still do it, but that does not make it right to pay them such low wages. If the logic of our wonderful legislators is to be followed then alls ervice jobs should be getting paid below poverty level, especially theirs. I think teachers should be the HIGHEST paid professionals in the country. They hold the very future of our country in their hands and we value them less than people who can put a little white ball into a cup??? Give me a break? I have often had the discussion woth my wife as to why both the teachers of this country and their "unions" are so stupid as to take the abuse year after year after year. Withoug a husband or help froma roomate, family my wife could not afford to live on her salary. That is a disgrace that should not be tolerated. But they do, along with my wife. All they would have to do is grow some balls and strike or just plain quit and get jobs greeting at Wal-Mart. Heck they'd make more and have less stress. My wife got a job this summer at a hair salon answering phones and was making more than she was during the year working fewer hours. Could you imagine parents today actually having to raise their kids, even for a week or so?? They would be lining up at city hall demanding better pay for the teachers so they would not have to deal with their little monsters after a few days. Sad to see that they put up with it without considering future generations of teachers.

"Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes."
-R.A. Heinlein
Maybe you're in a really low paying district, or in a high cost of living area. My wife and I live off of her salary and I work evenings occasionally. We did this so one of us would be able to stay home with the baby. Since she earned more than me (as a teacher) I ended up quiting the greatest job I ever had (park ranger). Still, we live in a low cost of living area, and we forgo luxuries for the sake of our son. We don't have TV (which in itself saves a bundle) and we don't have any new cars (two POS beaters), and instead, we have a lot of time to spend with our son.
Money is not the issue in problem schools. The NEA insists on more money though. We spend more per student in the USA than any other country in the ENTIRE history of the world. Why are we still having problems? Because the money comes from the Federal Government (with strings). The very solution the NEA espouses is the same solution that has destroyed public education. More money is like more gasoline on that fire.
After looking into it I have found unimaginable waste in the schools. My wife has to have a spanish textbook for each student. The state mandates that every classroom has it, yet Spanish is not in their curriculum. They're so busy teaching to the standardized tests, that they can't cover any other subject areas. Since each text cost $30.00, that adds up. There are litterally tens of thousands of dollars of waste in each classroom. That is why teachers don't pull good salaries.
The public school across the street is simply awesome. They have old but serviceable buildings, and they have all GI Surplus furnishings in the cafeteria, and classrooms. The school district has a janitor who is their "flim-flam" man. He goes to state and Federal Government auctions, and saves us millions of dollars. With such cut-rate education, I bet the NEA believes that this is a poorly performing School District. Nope. Our School hasn't recieved less than exemplary rating since they've been rating schools. Each student recieves an education that hasn't been available to Public school students since the late 1960's. They are good stewards with taxpayer dollars, and they only pay the state minimum to their teachers. When my wife was interested in working there, she found out that teachers either die or retire before an opening exists, and there is a waiting list for each position. Imagine that. Teachers who want to work for the state mandated minimum teacher salary (about 24K in Texas)? BTW, most kids at this school participate in the 4H rifle team, and many teachers sponsor activities in the program. Definately a pro RKBA's school district.
It isn't the money as the NEA would suggest. It is the community that appreciates their school, and backs the local system with more support than they want.
Last night, we went throught the NEA magazine, and outlined a letter to send to them. It is frightening to me that teachers actually might believe this garbage. I could find very few logical arguments in it. Al Gore is their man, although Al Gore has done absolutely NOTHING for teachers or public education. George Bush has done more for Teachers in Texas than any previous govornor in the state's history. In addition he is married to a former teacher (now school librarian), and sent his daughters to public schools (Austin ISD). If that weren't enough, one of his daughters is attending a public University (UT Austin) here in Texas. Al Gore cannot boast such faith in Public education, and yet he thinks the system is so great that we need to artificially support incompetence. The reason my wife doesn't mind vouchers, is because that will drive out the losers, and bring in the achievers. The teaching profession is full of people who cannot make it elsewhere. Some districts are great, and others are sorry. If a particular school district is destroyed because students get a better education elsewhere, then isn't the outcome a better educated child for the taxpayer money? What is wrong with that? I would imagine that with the voucher system, you will eventually see teachers compensated better as great schools will want to keep great teachers. The incompetent teachers will be forced out by competition amongst schools to attract better teachers.
All of this aside, the RKBA's will depend on the classroom in the next 5-10 years. If you want to make a difference and stop putting band-aid fixes on our rights, then start with a kid. The Socialist Government schools are failing fast, and we need to stop the NEA if we're going to stop the erosion of rights.
Oh-look to the next issue to see if they print our letter. I bet they don't!
KJM and TAZ,

Excellent topic!

I just hope you both had the good fortune of watching 20/20 this evening...(Friday..9/29). The issue at hand was whether or not school-voucher programs should be widely implemented, as they have been in Florida and a few other states with great success.

Just in case you missed it, John Stousel had a field-day with the NEA knuckleheads as they almost starting foaming at the mouth in their opposition to school vouchers. As the show proceeded, it became ever the more obvious that they, the NEA, could care less whether or not the children under their influence receive a quality education. A pathetic bunch, they are.


"What chiefly distinguishes the daily press is its incurable fear of ideas, its constant effort to evade the discussion of fundamentals by translating all issues into a few elemental fears, its incessant reduction of all reflection to mere emotion."
-- H.L. Mencken
If NEA, HCI, or DNC send you something, look for a postage-paid return envelope. USE IT! Preferably after filling it with lead or up to 16 oz. of scrap. (Sardines?) Make them pay for the postage!!!
And you could always add some JPFO pro-gun postage stamsps if your bold enough.
Anyone here use those?
Besides me