NC Pistol Purchase Permit changes?


New member
Hey Folks...

Just wanted to see someone could help clarify something...I bumped into an ATF inspector the other day, and he mentioned some changes coming to the pistol permit and the ccw coming in or around the end of the year. We were in a parking lot at the time and he didnt have any documentation to support it, but told me it should be on the web, and evidently my google skills are lacking today as well.

More specifically he mentioned that come sometime around December 2011 that law enforcement credentials will be considered equal to a ccw in NC for the purchase of a pistol. Has anyone else heard of this?

Yes, I know about LEOSA, but LEOSA doesnt cover the purchase of a handgun. Basically the only reason I have had a carry permit was so I didnt have to run to get a pistol purchase permit a couple of times a year. My dept specifically forbids carrying on a ccw, and anything we carry on OR off duty is regulated by policy and credentials only. If this is true it would eliminate for me having to keep a ccw that is useless except to purchase a pistol with.

Thanks in advance
I heard some rumours awhile back about that and never heard anymore. Back when I started out in LE your dept ID was accepted as a purchase permit for a handgun and when the legislature wrote the new CCW law they forgot to add that part back in and were too lazy to go back and amend the law. This was told to me by a local legislator several years ago. I hope that ATF guy was right but I will probably still keep my ccw active anyway.
Hey Folks,

After more searching I found the update I have heard about. Just thought I would let others know it was stuck in House Bill 650, page 5. It doesnt really seem as much of a change now that I found updated section. Seems to only apply to a duty pistol purchase though from my reading of it.

It seems like a LEO goes to a FFL, to buy the pistol, fills out the 4473 form, and then the FFL would probably copy the LEO ID card (instead of taking a purchase permit) and then do the NICS check, then finish the transfer.

SECTION 10. G.S. 14-404(d) reads as rewritten:

"(d) Nothing in this Article shall apply to officers authorized by law to carry firearms if the officers identify themselves to the vendor or donor as being officers authorized by law to carry firearms and state that the purpose for the purchase of the firearms is directly related to the law officers' official duties.provide any of the following:

(1) A letter signed by the officer's supervisor or superior officer stating that the officer is authorized by law to carry a firearm.

(2) A current photographic identification card issued by the officer's employer.

(3) A current photographic identification card issued by a State agency that identifies the individual as a law enforcement officer certified by the State of North Carolina.

(4) A current identification card issued by the officer's employer and another form of current photographic identification."
Yes, I know about LEOSA, but LEOSA doesnt cover the purchase of a handgun. Basically the only reason I have had a carry permit was so I didnt have to run to get a pistol purchase permit a couple of times a year. My dept specifically forbids carrying on a ccw, and anything we carry on OR off duty is regulated by policy and credentials only. If this is true it would eliminate for me having to keep a ccw that is useless except to purchase a pistol with.

Your agency and/or dept has this right, but you would still be covered by LEOSA if something happened. Your LEOSA rights would stand up in court. Obviously, you probably adhere to your agency's policies for numerous of reasons but it is a point worth noting.

I have heard of LEOs being able to buy multiple weapons at a time or not having to wait 30days between purchases.