NBC's Sat. Night Live Parodies Mass Shooting at NRA Headquarters!!!


New member
I haven't seen this posted here yet. I checked both boards, so please forgive me if I missed it...


Special Alert 11/16/99

Parodies Mass Shooting at NRA Headquarters

Just when we thought the national, anti-gun media couldn’t sink any lower,
NBC’s Saturday Night Live (SNL) proved us wrong.

Saturday evening’s (Nov. 13) show opened with the regular broadcast of SNL
being interrupted by a mock, special NBC News report. The mock report was
coverage of a mass shooting at NRA headquarters in Washington, D.C. (leave
it to NBC to not even do the most basic research to correctly identify our
headquarters as being located in Fairfax, Va.).

As if making a mockery of a mass shooting at your NRA headquarters was not
tasteless enough, the show went even further by portraying NRA President
Charlton Heston and other staff as being impressed with the shooter’s
marksmanship skills. In noting that NRA officials would not press charges
against the shooter, the mock news interviewer questioned the shooter, who
was holding a trophy “awarded” to him by NRA officials.

This skit, coupled with the media’s reporting on recent mass shootings at
schools and businesses, conveys the troubling image that, while these
latter incidents are to be met with grief, shock, and horror, portraying
such a scenario at NRA headquarters is a subject to be treated with humor.

Everyone likes a good joke and should be able to laugh at themselves.
This, however, doesn’t fall into that category. Making light of a
slaughter at our national headquarters clearly falls outside the
boundaries of good taste, and you need to express your sentiments to NBC
and Saturday Night Live.

ACTION ITEM: Please call NBC’s “Comments Line” at 212/664-2333 or E-mail
NBC from their website at www.nbc.com to express your displeasure over
this distasteful skit. You may also write them at: “NBC Viewer Relations,”
30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112.


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Try our FAQ Sheet http://www.nraila.org/show.cgi?page=/grassroots/19990813-GeneralInfo-015.html

NRAILA.org is maintained for the NRA by http://www.mainstream.net
Mainstream Electronic Information Services
Homepage established 1994 by the NRA Institute for Legislative Action
11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030


Joe's Second Amendment Message Board
Kinda like Spike Lee hoping Heston would be gunned down...

Its humor when they do anything...its tasteless and criminal if we do it.

Bite me! I will win and you will lose...Saleh

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I stumbled on it. It was Saturday Night Live at its usual. Which means it sucked rocks.
It was most offensive which is there goal.

I dont recomend watching it. this is just a good reason not ot.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
It seems they have elimated any email feedback links from www.nbc.com. Hmmmm, wonder why?

Between "West Wing", "The More You Know", and now this, it appears NBC is on a focused mission to abrogate freedom. It's high time for a 100% boycott of all things NBC, including MSNBC. Be sure to let Microsoft know how NBC is tainting them, too. They may be intereted to hear it.
It always amazes me, how the anti gun crowd always goes out of its way to poke fun and have laughs at things like this. Yet the gun owners usually take these issues in a different light, we are generally a little more serious about what we say and do with a gun. Maybe it shows one groups understanding and respect for the responsibilities of gun ownership and the other groups total disrespect and lack of understanding. (of course there are expeptions)
Anti-gun people take certain things seriously. Think for a minute about a skit in which ACLU headquarters is attacked and _its_ members celebrate the killer's killing of witnesses and his taking the fifth. Just beneath addressing, such nastiness, wouldn't it be?

I don't mind apt political humor, even if it's fairly nasty, actually--- but what disturbs me, even on a comedy show, is that apt humor was so unselfconsciously replaced with plain villification. The joke neednt' have a particularly trenchant point; anything that plain lamabastes NRA, whether founded or even focused, is acceptable. Another insidious diminishment of public discourse on guns.

Then again, maybe I'm just humorless! (Possible, actually...)
I suggested that in fairness, SNL run a skit showing everyone being stabbed to death at Handgun Control while Sarah and survivors run around bleating "Call 911! Baa, Call 9111! Baa".

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Oatka, and dave that sounds great. Maybe we could bring OJ back for some acting, hell I think that would be really funny, he could even escape the sceen in a rent-a-car on his way to the airport.

Or have couple a good old boys with trucks dragging a alternative lifestyle couple with the trucks trying to hit telephone polls as they go around corners. Start sceen with Jesse J chasing them on foot trying to get the plate numbers for his up comming court battle aginst the whole town.

Then again instead of alt lifestyle types how bout a few gun grabbing trial lawers.
Look fellow Patriots, when we scream and pout, we are giving them exactly what they want. Instead of scwalling, why don't we do a cartoon in a major paper or rag on Carl Rowan,SR.'s illegal home burgalry termination or Dianne Feinstein's concealed carry permit, or the the fact that Robert DiNiro,Alex Baldwin,Sylvester Stallone,Steven Speilberg and countless others use guns to make their movies interesting and fill up their piggy banks.

Why does someone like me have to come up with this? Where's all that money going we give to the NRA?

What if there were an ad in the USA today that went something like this: "Sylvester Stallone,Robert DiNiro, and Alex Baldwin won't give up the millions they made brandishing guns but they want you, the law-abiding citizen to give up your handguns. Tell them to practice what they preach"

Furthermore, what if the major gun manufacturers told Hollywood that no more movies will be made with their trademarks?

Hellooo!!!Common sense where are you!!!

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
For sure, it wasn't funny and is in terrible taste. BUT how could you do a mass murder in a place where the intended victims are ARMED. That is the point the NRA should be pounding. Al NRA endowment member

[This message has been edited by MisterAl (edited November 21, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by MisterAl (edited November 21, 1999).]