NBC Nightly News has POSITIVE segment on arming school teachers!

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears! Thought I had taken too much dope for my leg injury. NBC Nightly News this evening ran a positive story about a Texas school where teachers had been allowed to carry guns since 2007, without all the obligatory naysaying from Moms Demand, etc.

Could it actually be that some in the MSM might be warming to the idea that gun-free zones attract shooters like trailer parks attract tornadoes? What do y'all think?


Highlights: They actually discussed that gun-free zones endangered children, and interviewed students who said they felt safer knowing their teachers were armed!
I saw that! I was flabbergasted that it was on NBC.

Now for the pessimism - a retraction or new story on how unsafe that is for the children will be in tomorrow's NBC news.
Aaaand it's gone: 404 page unavailable message on NBC. And my friends think I'm nuts when I say the media doesn't like us. :rolleyes:
I don't think the link in the first post ever worked. It appears to have been copied from a different forum or post because it is in the abridged form. Note the ellipsis in the middle of the link. John's link is the same one, but it is complete even though it looks the same on the surface.
Could it actually be that some in the MSM might be warming to the idea that gun-free zones attract shooters like trailer parks attract tornadoes?

You're giving the Lame Stream Media too much credit. ;)
I mean we can keep saying that its right vs left on gun rights but that is hardly the case. Obama passed two laws on guns that expanded CCW rights. Not sure what Trump is going to do but you heard what he said last week. We need to stop the right vs left thing and focus more on gun supporters vs not.
He signed a credit card consumer protection bill that had a rider attached that allowed handgun carry into National parks/NPS monuments as per the state law (or states' laws with Yellowstone and Great Smoky Mountains as two examples) that the park is located in.

He also signed a law that allowed for guns to be transported in the luggage on Amtrak trains.

Only two I know of.
As for the number 18 being thrown out for school shootings that is the ... way of saying a lie over and over until people start to believe it is true. And sad to say it works with many people.

The number originated from Everytown for Gun Safety and the number was derived from anything that had to do with a gun in and around. For your reading enjoyment....
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The Everytown figure of 18 school shootings this year is actually quite conservative compared to the Grio site's claim of more than 50 mass shootings so far this year! https://thegrio.com/2018/03/13/heres-why-the-nra-uses-black-faces-in-their-anti-gun-control-campaigns-and-why-its-suspect/

Even the virulently anti-gun Mother Jones can only come up with three mass shootings this year: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/

The Mother Jones spreadsheet is actually quite comprehensive and contains a lot of good information. FWIW, according to their criteria, there have been only 99 mass shootings in this country since 1982. :eek: