NBC Anti-gun: Did I actually hear this correctly?

Futo Inu

New member
Last night right about 1:00 am, asleep on the couch, but my subconscious heard it and it woke me up. It was an NBC "The More You Know" short PSA. My eyes and mind popped open when I heard the word "gun". Basically, the dude from Third Rock from the Sun who used to have long hair asked "Quick...You have ten seconds to tell me what's good about guns". Then the tall chick from that show gets a blank look on her face and remains silent for a second or two, then that's the end of the PSA. Now it doesn't surprise me that some hollywood type is too stupid to figure out that guns are what make men free, but the message to the sheeple is unmistakable.

Unbelievable how much gall NBC has for running this. This is an absolute outrageous mindless anti-gun message. They REALLY need to hear from us about this crap. Let the boycott and email flood begin. Start with www.nbc.com
i was hopeing that it was a bad dream aparently i was awake last night damnn this is pissing me off

I saw the same thing a few nights ago, and forgot about it until now, although I was plenty steamed at the time. Good reminder.

Here's my email to NBC (Never Been Competent). <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Yesterday I saw a Public Service Announcement on NBC in which one of the actors from the NBC sitcom, "3rd Rock from the Sun" challenges a fellow actor to tell him within ten seconds, "one good thing about guns." Of course, in your cleverly written, highly informative spot, the second actor is only able to give the camera a blank look, implying that there are no good things about guns.

When will you folks get it? The police sure have; you'll notice they carry guns. Are we to assume, then, that police are not, "a good thing"? Last time I checked the military has guns, and some darn big ones, too. So, the armed forces are not a, "good thing"? Over a million Americans per year defend themselves and their families from harm each year with
firearms, but in your opinion, that is not a, "good thing".

I could go on to list dozens of quotes in support of the people having arms from the evil white men who founded this country, but I'm sure your crack research staff has already informed you of those. I could go on to show the work of the vast majority of
Constitutional scholars who agree that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution guarantees
(not grants, BTW) the right of the people to keep and bear arms, however, those top-notch
lawyers you pay so dearly are well aware that even Lawrence Tribe, the most highly
respected Constitutional scholar in the country, holds that view.

Therefore, my family is boycotting all programming on NBC, and spreading the word on
the internet about NBC's attempt to disarm the people through a campaign of disinformation. Bite me, NBC.

Scornfully yours,

Brian Whitehurst

P.S. By the way, you might want to throw your eye over the Bill of Rights. It's that little thing directly after the Constitution. You media folks love to talk about the First
Amendment, but you make me think you've never read any further. Look at the very next one in line, and get an English professor to help if you have any trouble understanding it.[/quote]

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque

Great thread Futo. IPECAC, hope you don't mind me borrowing some of your letter.

Light these guys up!

Yesterday I saw a Public Service Announcement on NBC in which one of the actors from the NBC sitcom, "3rd Rock from the Sun" challenges a fellow actor to tell him within ten seconds, "one good thing about guns." Of course, in your cleverly written, highly informative spot, the second actor is only able to give the camera a blank look, implying, ignorantly, that there are no good things about firearms.
This is not a public service at all. Do you wish all LAW-ABIDING citizens to fall prey to criminals (those who DISOBEY the laws)? The police have guns, they carry guns. Are we to assume, then, that police are not, "a good thing"? Over a million LAW-ABIDING Americans per year defend themselves and their families from criminals each year with firearms, but in your opinion, this is not a "good thing".

I could go on to list hundreds of quotes in support of the people having arms from the evil white men who founded this country, but I'm sure your crack research staff has already informed you of those. I could go on to show the work of the vast majority of Constitutional scholars who agree that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution guarantees (not grants but reaffirms, BTW) the right of the people to keep and bear arms, however, those top-notch lawyers you pay so dearly are well aware that even Lawrence Tribe, the most highly respected Constitutional scholar in the country, holds that view.

Therefore, my family and soon to be all my friends, are boycotting all programming on NBC, and spreading the word on the internet about NBC's attempt to disarm the LAW-ABIDING citizens through a campaign of misinformation.

Ask yourself a question NBC - A criminal breaks into your house or car while you are in it and says, "I'm going to take your 3 year old child with me and have some fun" - what will you do? Quickly, come up with an answer. I suspect you came up with the same answer that your PSA's actor came up with - nothing. Congratulations, your child is dead - but your ratings just might go up if you air this story.



Houston, TX 77043

P.S. By the way, you might want to read the Bill of Rights. It's that little thing directly after the Constitution. You media folks love to exercise the First Amendment with your trash programming, but it seems you've never read any further. Look at the very next one in line, and get an English professor to help if you have any trouble understanding it. A dictionary may prove essential to understanding the word "inalienable" ...


Join GOA, NRA, LEAA and vote.
Perhaps we should point out that NBC has made a considerable amount of money producing programs based on the use of guns.

I grew up watching TV shows where firearms were used by good guys to solve problems.

Since I have not watched the big 3 channels for years I am not conversant about their current programming. Have they totally done away with programming in which the characters use guns?

I would write them but I refuse to watch their crap.

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Pi$$ off the left, register to vote.
Don't expect any changes guys. I can't tell you his name or give you a link to the quote, but many years ago, NBCs head honcho, the primary owner of the corporation publically stated that he was for gun control. It was also made very clear that NBC had an agenda. That policy is to eliminate guns from the public to make this world a better place.....
Makes you want to hold hands, sway back and forth and sing "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing..." There isn't an once of difference between Ted Turner and NBC. I personally think that calls & letters to NBC would accomplish about as much as marching to DC and holding signs in front of the white house. IF you can convince big sponsers from advertising on NBC, you might have a chance. I know of one Dr. who got the biggest talk show host 7 years ago knocked out of commision using this method. .02c

By the way, the AD Commission also uses million$ to come up with major gun confiscation commercials. I think the big media is saturated with wealthy socialists. One thing you can expect from swine is to act like pigs. One thing you can trust a socialist to be is a socialist. One thing we can expect from NBC is to propagate socialistic swill.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
Equalizer, the man(and I use the term loosely) who used to run NBC is Michael Gartner, now the publisher of the Ames, IA newspaper. Gartner frequently calls for repeal of the 2nd Amendment, which is the same as admitting the 2nd does indeed guarantee the right of the people to bear arms. He's not stupid, he's simply evil.

I wrote NBC not because I think I will influence their programming, I did it because it makes me feel good to call an idiot an idiot. Also, it can't hurt, since, if they get a few such letters, they have to know their numbers are going to go south like a frosted goose. You're right on one count, I forgot to tell NBC that I won't patronize their sponsors anymore. I think I'll just let the sponsors know directly.

"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque
Excellent responses! What I think I'm gonna do on this issue, since the national network may be a lost cause, is to pressure my local affiliate station by organizing a boycott of the local news programs (their big money-maker). I'll get the statewide NRA and GOA groups to help.

Also spurring me on in this endeavor was the fact that the anchor on the local station affiliate for NBC, on last night's news, felt obliged to report that the idiotic geek in Hawaii who shot up Xerox was "on his high-school riflery team" - so what the hell does that have to do with anything? If you're suggesting a connection between that and a propensity to kill you co-workers, then you need to have the cahones to come right out and say it plainly, because I for one certainly don't see any inherent connection.
Futo, you don't have to see a connection, the sheeple that watch TV will.

CNN also had a reporter make the statement, "One indication to look for to determine if an employee may be likely to be violent in the work place is if he is a gun owner."

They actually said that.

Well, my boss is coming. I have to load another magazine...


Join GOA, NRA, LEAA and vote.

If it makes you feel better to contact those idiots, more power to you. I agree. I wasn't trying to discourage anyone from doing it in terms of that. I was just stating what I've seen in terms of the actual effect of a large handful of people on a big corporate swill. They normally could care less unless it affects their jobs or whats in the wallet. I wish you the best.



"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)