NAZI's - Everyone should read this


New member
I Poached this from another site, thought everyone might enjoy reading it.

During the past several months in the American press, the Democrats
frequently denounced the Republicans as Nazis due to their attempts
control runaway federal spending. How very ironic. I remember the
Nazis. Let
me share a little about them and recall some of their exploits.

First of all, "Nazi" was gutter slang for the verb "to
nationalize". The
Bider-Mienhoff gang gave themselves this moniker during their early
struggles. The official title of the Nazi Party was "The National
Workers Party of Germany". Hitler and the Brownshirts advocated
nationalization of education, health care, transportation, national
resources, manufacturing, distribution and law enforcement.

Hitler came to power by turning the working class, unemployed, and
elite against the conservative republic. After der fuhrer's election
being a political conspiracy and was transformed into a fashionable
phenomenon, party membership was especially popular with educators,
bureaucrats, and the press. Being a Nazi was politically correct.
They called
themselves "The Children of the New Age of World Order" and
looked down their
noses at everyone else. As Hitler accrued more power, he referred to
critics as "The Dark Forces of Anarchy and Hatred". Anyone
who questioned
Nazi high- handedness in the German press was branded a
Reactionary". Joseph Goebbels, minister of communications,
proclaimed a "New
World Order".

The Nazi reign of terror began with false news reports on the Jews,
and Gypsies who were said to be arming themselves to overthrow the
"New World
Order" and Hitler demanded that all good people register their
guns so that
they wouldn't fall into the hands of "terrorists and madmen".
Right wing
fanatics of the "Old Order" who protested firearms
registration were arrested
by the S.S. and put in jail for "fomenting hatred against the
Government of
the German people".

Then the Reich stag (government building) was blown up and Hitler
an "Emergency Antiterrorist Act" through Parliament that gave
the Gestapo
extraordinary powers. The leader then declared that for the
well-being of the
German people, all private firearms were to be confiscated by the
Gestapo and
the Wermotten (federal law enforcement and military). German citizens
refused to surrender their guns when the "jackboots"
(Gestapo) came calling,
were murdered in their homes. By the way, the Gestapo were the
marshals' service of the Third Reich. The S. W. A. T. team was
invented and
perfected by the Gestapo to break into the homes of the enemies of
the German

When the Policia Bewakken, or local police, refused to take away guns
townsfolk, they themselves were disarmed and dragged out into the
street and
shot to death by the S. A. and the SS Those were Nazi versions of
the BATF
and the FBI When several local ministers spoke out against these
they were imprisoned and never seen again.

The Gestapo began to confiscate and seize the homes, businesses, bank
accounts, and personal belongings of wealthy conservative citizens
who had
prospered in the old Republic. Pamphleteers who urged revolt against
Nazis were shot on site by national law enforcement and the military.
and Jews were detained and sent to labor camps. Mountain roads
central Europe were closed to prevent the escape of fugitives into
wilderness, and to prevent the movement and concealment of partisan
resistance fighters.

Public schools rewrote history and Hitler youth groups taught the
children to
report their parents to their teachers for anti-Nazi remarks. Such
disappeared. Pagan animism became the state religion of the Third
Reich and
Christians were widely condemned as "right wing fanatics".

Millions of books were burned first and then people. Millions of
them burned
in huge ovens after they were first gassed to death. Unmarried women
paid large sums of money to have babies out of wedlock and then given
for it. Evil was declared as being good, and good was condemned as
evil. World Order was coming and the German people were going to be
"peace keepers".

Yes, indeed, I remember the Nazis and they weren't Republicans, or
"right wing", or "patriots" or "militias".
They were Socialist monsters.
You summed it up it real well how the Nazis socialists operated. The Stalinist communist socialists operated basically the same way and were even more brutal or rather more efficient in killing farmers, intellectuals,party mmbers, army officers, national minorities in Russia, and anyone and everyone Stalin wanted killed. Today the decendents of Hitler and Stalin are in power in nearly every Western nation and America and are ready in the guise of the Un to bring in their NEW WORLD ORDER which their old lackeys Hitler and Stalin didnt quite succeed in bringing to fruition.
Simply Outstanding.

How quickly we forget.

Devil and the deep blue sea behind me,
Vanish in the air you'll never find me...
Sorry, Allanh, but that description is very confused and incorrect on many points.

I won't even attempt to discuss all the errors, but the SA and SS were not the equivalent of the FBI or BATF, since they were party organizations, not state agencies.

Nazi was not especially "gutter slang" it was a typical German verbal abbreviation for the NSDAP (Nazional Socialistiche Deutsche Arbeiter Partei, or National Socialist German Workers Party).

While the name was calculated to appeal to the working class, that class was very much inclined toward Communism, and many workers' districts in Berlin and elsewhere were solidly Red. In fact, the Nazis appealed mainly to the middle class, whose savings and position had been wiped out by the inflation of the 20s and the depression of the 30s, and to the industrialists, who feared a Communist takeover. (Not an irrational fear - the Russians clearly considered Germany their next target for a Red revolt and "liberation.")

Firearms registration had existed in Germany for years. The major change the Law of 1938 instituted was to ban ownership by Jews. So, there were no protests or killings involved with firearms registration. Jews, for various reasons, owned few firearms even before the Nazi law was passed.

Most of the early attacks on Jews were carried out by the Sturm Abteilung (Attack Company - SA), the Nazi Party's street fighters, and the Schutzstaffel (Protection Group - SS) originally Hitler's personal bodyguards. The official police looked the other way.

Private firearms were never confiscated in Nazi Germany, except of course those of Jews or other enemies of the state, who were usually on their way to concentration camps anyway. Millions of privately owned weapons were destroyed by the Allies after the surrender, and many thousands were brought back by returning GIs. Those thousands of drillings, vierlings, and small pistols were personal, not military, arms.

The Gestapo (Geheimestaatspolizei - Secret State Police) was originally the secret police of Prussia, but was given nationwide powers by the Nazis. They were not the equivalent of the Marshals Service. Rather, they were more like the FBI, with responsibility for internal security and crimes against the state. They were an official police force.

I am going to quit. The Nazis were bad enough; it serves no purpose for Allanh's source to try to warp their record even more.

Do U.S. agencies act sometimes too much like the Gestapo? Yes. But remember that there were no investigations of the Gestapo. There were no curbs on their activities. The rights outlined in the German constitution were ignored. There was no free press and no independent judiciary.

Would some people who support gun control like a Nazi state? Undoubtedly, as long as they ran it and had the only guns.

Would some people who oppose gun control like a Nazi state? Undoubtedly, as long as they ran it and had the only guns.

Is either side likely to get it? Not if we stop them. But we won't do that by ranting and raving about mythical Nazi history.

Jim, I posted this on another board the same day. I would like permission to copy your statements to that thread also. Or if you are on HuntInfo then please copy to the same thread there.

I have no basis to say if your statements or the other statements of the original post are correct or not. I think the intent of the author was to try and draw a picture that helped to show that in some ways we are not very far off from where the Nazi's were.

Who supports the Liberals? The Middle and Lower class.
Why? They are made to feel that the Upper middle and upper class are taking everything away from them.
I noticed some of the inconsistencies in the descriptions, too, but I took it to be an allegory or a parable, not a direct one-to-one correlation.

I think it just is trying to point out how our state and the former Nazi Germany appear to have many similarities, i.e., state control in more and more areas of our lives.

Regards :)

Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up... Yankee Doodle
I, too, can see some parallels between Germany before Nazism and where we are today. But if we exaggerate the evils of Nazi Germany and those parallels, we can legitimately be accused of being liars and we weaken our cause.

The rise of Nazism took place in a rather unique situation, not likely to be repeated again, at least in the same way. First, a Germany supremely confident of the power of its costly and disciplined armed forces lost the war. Secondly, the victorious Allies denied food shipments to Germany until the Germans agreed to the Versailles treaty, literally starving the nation into humiliating submission. Thirdly, the economic crises of the 20's and the depression of the 30's wiped out the savings and the hopes of millions of German middle class citizens. Fourthly, there was an active, militant Communist movement, working to overthrow the weak government and merge Germany with Communist Russia. Fifthly, there were millions more ex-soldiers and others who also wanted to overthrow the government but in order to re-establish the Empire.

Add to this mixture millions of surplus rifles, most under the control of the army to be handed out to favored bands of "troops", primarily of the so-called right wing.

The Weimar constitution encouraged formation of dozens of splinter parties. This tended to divide and weaken the forces of democracy. At that time, Germans (and Americans) took politics to the street corner, and each party had its street-corner speakers.

But the Germans added an additional feature. Party members physically attacked speakers of rival parties. So each party formed a gang of thugs to protect its "orators" and beat up representatives of the other parties. The party thugs wore shirts of their party colors, hence the Nazi brownshirts, the SA.

The group formed to protect the Nazi party leaders wore black shirts and were called the Schutzstaffel (protection squad) or SS.

There was rioting in the streets, much of it fomented by the Nazis themselves. One of Hitler's promises in the 1932 election was that he would stop the rioting - a promise he could keep because his party started most of it.

We must not forget that the Nazi party won a legitimate plurality in the 1932 elections and an overwhelming (though less honest) majority in the 1936 elections. Make no mistake; Hitler had the support of the vast majority of Germans. The myth of millions of anti-Nazi Germans grew up after the defeat of Germany to assuage the collective conscience of the German people (and fool American suckers).

It might be worthy of mention that Jews constituted only a small minority of the German population (I think 6%), so that even had they been armed and organized, they would have stood little chance of resisting the Nazis. (The majority of Jews killed by the Nazis were Polish or Russian, not German.)

Further, Jews had no tradition of firearms ownership. Hunting was forbidden by their religion, since obviously an animal slain in the fields or woods is not kosher. Jews also had (and have) a strong tradition of community non-violence, since experience in Europe had shown that any violence on the part of a Jew would be met with terrible retribution against the Jewis community. Clearly, a community with no tradition of arms ownership or use, but a tradition of pacifism, is a very unlikely venue in which to raise a rebellion. (Later Jews, in Warsaw and Israel, showed that lessons had been learned.)

There are few parallels here with the U.S. in 1999. This does not mean we should not be alert. The Nazis used lies and fake coups to gain the sympathy of the people and cement their hold on Germany. Our corrupt politicians could do the same thing.


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