Navy Arms Schofield cleaning


I shot my new Navy Arms Schofield for the first time today and I would appreciate any information as to the proper method to disassemble and/or properly clean this top break pistol. No info was included with purchase.

If this is the wrong forum, could someone direct me to a site where this information exists.

Sorry for the cross post if that is bad form.

There is not much to it, but I goofed up an answer a while back.* The cylinder is removed by removing the rear screw in the block on the top strap, then tipping the block up to remove the cylinder. After that, the cylinder and barrel can be cleaned easily. Further disassembly is not recommended, though the hinge screw can be removed and the barrel separated from the frame if really necessary.

*I said that both the screws in the block needed to be removed - not true.
