Navy Arms Lee-Enfield Ishapore 2A tanker in .308


New member
Hey folks!

Just picked up another new toy. The quality of the stock as well as price and unusual box magazine were enough to take it home with me. Anyone have any thoughts/criticisms about this rifle? i.e., durability, perceived recoil, collectibility, accuracy, loads to avoid/recommend, etc. thanks in advance!

happy shooting!
happy shooting!
I have a full length 2A1 and the perceived recoil is just a little more than an M1A. It is a blast to shoot. I had a chance to shoot an original N0.5 Tanker carbine in .303 a few years back, and the recoil is pronounced. I have shot .338 mag's with less recoil.

As far as collectability, it is a fake. The gun was modified from its original 25+" barrel, and shortened to tanker specs. It is worth about what you paid for it, unless you paid more than about $175...

Durability is good, and it is a stable shooting platform, if a slightly crude one. As far as accuracy, my 2A1 will make one jagged hole at 100 yards, but then it has been modified internally (bedding, barrel packed, all pinching relieved). It should shoot 3" or less groups at 100 yards as sold.


.45 Super... Fat and FAST...

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