Natural Born Killers


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Does anyone out there happen to know what director Oliver Stone's position on gun control might be?
The reason I ask is because the U.S. Supreme Court recently refused to block a lawsuit against him and Time Warner by the family of a Louisiana woman who was shot and paralyzed during a convenience store robbery in 1995 where the assailants claimed that their crime spree, which also left a Mississippi man murdered, was inspired by his 1994 film "Natural Born Killers".
The plaintiffs case is based on the argument that this movie incited "imminent lawless activity". They point to an interview in 1996 where Stone is quoted as saying "The most pacifistic people in the world came out of this movie and wanted to kill somebody".
If Stone is anti-gun, the irony would be too good to pass up. Many Hollywood notables who have taken it upon themselves to attack the 2nd Amendment rights of others, are falling all over each other to defend Stone's 1st Amendment rights in this case.

Hey Ollie!
Just tell them:

Movies don't kill people.
people kill people.
I gotta wonder at the stupidity of people who buy arguments like that: "The movie/TV show/song made me do it."

What about the millions of people who've seen "Natural Born Killers" and haven't killed anyone?

What about the millions of people who heard "Suicide Solution" and didn't kill themselves?

What about the thousands of kids who watched "Beavis and Butthead" and didn't torch their houses?

It's like Heinlein said: "The amount of intelligence in the universe is a constant, but the population keeps increasing."

Bullets and primers and hot brass a-flying;
Goblins in my house all screaming and crying;
Nineteen-elevens and scope-mounting rings;
These are a few of my favorite things...
An interesting note about "Suicide Solution:"
In their haste to find a scapegoat, liberals never seemed to find the time to listen to the song before blaming it for some kid's suicide. If they had, they'd have realized that, with all due respect, anyone who killed himself because of that song would not only have to be weak enough to kill himself because a freaking SONG demanded it but too stupid to understand the song.
The lyrics clearly state that suicide is a foolish, cowardly way out and no solution at all.
Actually, in the late '80's they tried to make a stink about "Don't Close Your Eyes" by Kix but you'd have to be pretty dense to miss what that line really means, so it didn't work. Besides, of course, that Ozzy makes a better target than Kix.


"Hey you, let's fight!"
"Them's fightin' words!"
Gosh ... I've seen some movies that made me think the director should be banished from Hollywood, but I never really wanted to kill them ... ;)
Jeff: I really don't want to kill any of them either, but if Roman Polanski should ever happen to stop by my house, I would consider it an honor to kick him square in the n*uts. Repeatedly.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
When I was living in Texas in the early 70's some 17 yr old kid claimed that the reason he killed 2 people was because of all the JUNK food he ate! The jury brought it and sent him to a mental hospital for 90 days!

Justice for one,Justice for all.
I won't go into my usual rant about our "blamless society". Only a fool would let a movie dictate his life, but that's not my fault. ;)
I have read or heard several interviews with Oliver Stone over the years, so to the best of my knowledge Stone is anti-gun in his personal politics. Of course, things change, but I have yet to hear anything to the contrary. Mr. Stone, if you are reading this, please set us straight and up-to-date: Now that you are a victim of the same mentality that has been hurting law-abiding gunowners for years isn't it time for a change in your politics?