NATO humanitarian efforts


New member
It seems that now that NATO has created hundreds of thousands of refugees from Kosovo they have decided to help these poor people by relocating them. Problem is that the Kosovars don't want to go. I saw on the news tonight where the refugees are trying to explain that this is their country and they don't want to leave.
NATO's answer is to herd them onto buses and planes and ship them to about a half dozen different countries where they will be put in nice neat camps for orderly dispos....aah,er, that is their own saftey.
The US of course has decided the best place for our share of refugees is safley tucked behind the barbed war at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Not on mainland America.
Excuse me, but does this bother anybody else?
It makes me real nervous. :(
Hey, Dennis, nobody in Yurrop *wants* any of them at all!

In general, most fella-in-the-street types in Yurrop would happily give all of the Serbs and their immediate neighbors unlimited numbers of guns and ammo, and hope evolution continued to work!

Lots of browbeating going on, in what the WashPost, today, referred to as "Albright's War".

Interesting article, by the way...

Later, Art
Grayfox: I wondered about the Guantanamo Bay location at fist. An article in the paper,stateing that Guantanamo Bay isn't even "US soil", plus the Cuban location makes sence. Castro and the Kosova(yes Kosova) Liberation Army shrare the same political slant. Non US soil means the refugees are in a sort of limbo asylym and immigration wise.

*Forgot to add: Yep, makes me real uncomforable also. As far back as October of last year, there was a picture of KLA troops armed with Scout rifles. In the same picture one of the soldiers was wearing a Washington Redskins cap. Ironicly one of the comments referred to small wars being funded by deep pockets. Gotta wonder: How small a war, and whose deep pockets?
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[This message has been edited by Hal (edited April 08, 1999).]