National Review A Breath of Fresh Air


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Gosh Captain Obvious, you never heard of the National Review???!!!

Well, not really. I just Googled gun control and an article came up the 'National Review' and I said to myself, 'how refreshing---somebody gets it. Somebody that doesn't say 'Merika, 2nd amendment, that's enough you commie!' (which I, in an unguarded moment might say).

Anyway to counter National Public Radio, (which I listen to just to keep my blood pressure high enough to continue to push the red stuff through my hamburger/steak clogged arteries) I found the National Review articles to be, well, very nice.
Article #1
Liberals’ perspective on the issue is just as warped as they imagine conservatives’ to be.

Read more at:

I particularly liked the above article because they take an anti-gunner to task for the following, utterly clueless and ridiculous, quote:
“The NRA is full of it when it says that the AR-15 can be used for hunting”
Article #2
The legislation most gun-control advocates call for would not have stopped Stephen Paddock.
Read more at:

In the above article I liked the fact they took a quote from Hillary Clinton about silencers/suppressors and showed how silly her comment was about the shooting.
Article #3
Why new regulation won’t guarantee Americans’ safety
Read more at:

I liked this article because it reminds me of the cartoon of a crying baby on the floor surrounded by toys pointing to a toy on a shelf out of the baby's reach. The toys in the cartoon are labeled 'gun laws', the baby is labeled 'anti-gun folk' and the caption to the cartoon is, "But baby, you're not even playing with the toys you have."
As a lad, I watched William F. Buckley every weekend and subscribed to NR in high school. I used to mine it for content for a college radio show too.

When it was a magazine, an actual magazine made of paper that came in the mail, it included long an excellent articles from genuine intellectuals on a range of topics. If you read National Review and New Republic (the leftward counterpart to National Review) you could get an interesting education out of it. Bill Buckley had New Republic editors serve as permanent foils on his program, Firing Line, so there wasn't the personal acrimony one sees on lots of opinion journalism today.

The National Review website or blog or whatever it is called is really a shadow of the former magazine, but as you've found it can still be an interesting source for informative blurbs.
zukiphile said:
When it was a magazine, an actual magazine made of paper that came in the mail, it included long an excellent articles from genuine intellectuals on a range of topics.
There is still a print edition of NR available by subscription.