National Park Concealed Carry


New member
Has anyone heard any news related to this topic? There was that recent letter from Lawmakers to the Dept. of the Interior, did anything come of it?
Last I heard about the issue, it was a big "NO" to concealed carry in National Parks. Idiotic, in my opinion, but what's new. I've always wanted to walk the Applachian Trail from end to end, but since I can't carry a firearm while doing it I think I'll pass.

Most recently on that particular trail, a woman is missing and presumed to be dead. They've arrested a man in connection with it.
I guess we will just have to wait and see if anything comes out of that.

Respectfully I'd recommend a different course of action, that being action vs "waiting around to see what happens". Find out where YOUR congresscritters stand.

If they are supporting the carry act then write 'em and give them a compliment.

If they are NOT supporting it, call 'em on the carpet and find out WHY. Let 'em know that you are unhappy with 'em and they need to support park carry.

======== From a post on The High Road ========
VA-ALERT: Do your part now! - 47 Senators sign letter on National Park carry!!!

Pressure on the Department of the Interior (DOI) to change the rules in National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges to allow law-abiding gun owners to carry guns for self-defense has just increased dramatically!

**Forty-seven** Senators have co-signed a letter from Senator Mike Crapo to Dirk Kempthorne, Secretary of the Department of the Interior
(DOI) asking DOI to allow state law to determine if guns can be carried in National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges in that state!

The letter (and a link to the PDF version of the letter) is below.

Virginia Senator Jim Webb signed the letter. Senator John Warner, as usual, was no where to be found.

The NRA was apparently instrumental in getting this letter generated - good job. Now we need to help make this actually happen.


First, let's thank Senator Webb for supporting this effort and encourage him to continue putting pressure on DOI to do the right thing.

We also need to contact Senator Warner and urge him to let DOI know that he, too, supports Senator Crapo's efforts.


For Senator Webb's web mail, click here:

Subject - select "Civil Liberty"

Suggested message:

I would like to thank you for signing Senator Crapo's letter to the Department of the Interior! Please keep pressure on the Department of the Interior to allow state law to determine if law-abiding citizens are able to carry firearms for self-defense while they are visiting National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges!


For Senator Warner's web mail, click here:

Subject - select "Second Amendment"

Suggested message:

I urge you to send a letter to the Department of the Interior supporting the efforts of Senator Crapo and 46 other Senators to allow state law to determine if law-abiding citizens can carry a firearm for self-defense while visiting National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges. The right for a citizen to defend himself is both Constitutionally protected and is not negotiable.

Please let me know what you are going to do.


Here is a link to the letter and the text of the letter:

United States Senate

December 14, 2007

The Honorable Dirk Kempthorne
Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW.
Washington DC 20240

Dear Secretary Kempthorne:

We write today concerning a longstanding effort to have the National Park Service and the Fish and Wildlife Service remove their prohibitions on law-abiding citizens from transporting and carrying firearms on lands managed by these agencies.
We appeal to
you on this matter in the interest of Second Amendment rights and consistency in firearms policy across federal public land management agencies.

As you know, 36 CFR 2.4, applicable to the National Park Service, and 50 CFR 27.42, applicable to the Fish and Wildlife Service, prohibits individuals from possessing a firearm on lands managed by those agencies - even citizens with valid concealed weapons permits.

These regulations infringe on the rights of law-abiding gun owners, who wish to transport and carry firearms on or across these lands. Also, you will note that other federal land management agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service allow transporting and carrying of firearms on these lands in accordance with the laws of the host state. These inconsistencies in firearms regulations for public lands are confusing, burdensome, and unnecessary.

For these reasons, we support an exception to 36 CFR 2.4 and 50 CFR
27.42 to allow
law-abiding citizens to transport and carry firearms consistent with state law where the National Park Service's sites and the National Wildlife Refuges are located. Such regulatory changes would respect the Second Amendment rights of law- abiding gun owners, while providing a consistent application of state weapons laws across all land ownership boundaries.

We appreciate the opportunity to share our concerns with you. Please treat this letter in conformance with all applicable procedural rules and ethical guidelines.


Senator Mike Crapo

Senator Max Baucus

Senator Larry Craig

Senator Tim Johnson

Senator Jim Inhofe

Senator Jon Tester

Senator David Vitter

Senator Mark Pryor

Senator Gordon Smith

Senator Blanche Lincoln

Senator Orrin Hatch

Senator Byron Dorgan

Senator Norm Coleman

Senator Ben Nelson

Senator Tom Coburn

Senator Jim Webb

Senator Judd Gregg

Senator Lisa Murkowski

Senator John Ensign

Senator John Sununu

Senator Ted Stevens

Senator Robert Bennett

Senator Saxby Chambliss

Senator Thad Cochran

Senator Johnny Isakson

Senator John Bunning

Senator Wayne Allard

Senator John Thune

Senator Chuck Grassley

Senator Bob Corker

Senator Trent Lott

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

Senator Pat Roberts

Senator Mel Martinez

Senator John Cornyn

Senator Richard Shelby

Senator Chuck Hagel

Senator Lindsey Graham

Senator Elizabeth Dole

Senator Mike Enzi

Senator John McCain

Senator John Barrasso

Senator Sam Brownback

Senator Pete Domenici

Senator Jim DeMint

Senator Jeff Sessions

Senator Jon Kyl
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NOT the solution

"Concealed is just that, concealed.
Mind your own business and you shouldn't be bothered."

is one poster wrote. This is NOT what anyone should do. Just because you can conceal and probably get away with it does not make it legal. And if by chance you do get caught, you will lose your legal right to own or carry a handgun ever again. Even though I strongly support concealed carry and think the rule banning carry in National Parks is idiotic, it is still illegal. The answer is to get current laws changed to our viewpoint; convince your fellow citizens of the benefits of concealed carry, tell your representatives what you think, and the most important: NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT FOR ANYTHING.

Who is going to convict you of killing a bear with a C.C, carry! Self Defence of cource! How about if you save little Suzzy in the process?
Sadly National Park does not mean just the wilderness somewhere. In Philadelphia it also means areas around the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Its a large chunk of land right in the middle of Philadelphia.

Sucks pretty bad.