National Microstamping Law -- Kennedy is still active

Garand Illusion

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Beautius ...

Microstamping Bill

Washington, D.C. – Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, issued the following statement about the National Crime Gun Identification Act, which was introduced in the Senate by Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and in the House by Representative Xavier Becerra (D-CA).

Yeah ... because gang members are going to care that if they use their stolen guns they can be traced back to the original owner.

Want to bet there's an exemption for police? I can actually see a reason for Police guns to be tracked.
Is the good senator still smoking those "funny cigaretts"?

What next one wonders, or shouldn't one make so bold as to inquire?
Who is paying him for this Endorsement? Kennedy only deals in Hard Cash, Liquor and Grain! Mob and Unions have legs too!

Should I be looking over my shoulder after stating that?:eek::barf:
This is really about as dumb as requiring a criminal to leave his name when he leaves. That's gonna happen. How long do you think it will take to file the striker off a gun? Not that any legal person would need to, but then again this isn't geared towards legal use of firearms is it?
Maybe if we put license plates on cars, we could keep them from running into canals and then young women would'nt die from asphyxation while trapped inside.

Oh, sorry. Already tried that, I guess.:eek: