"National Gun Control Poll"??? Anybody else?


New member
Got a faxed sheet announcing a "National Gun Control Poll", states 4 million sent, asks: "Would you like to see more effective gun control laws?" with large YES and NO boxes.
Return fax number is a 900 number, very fine print says the calls cost $2.95 per minute and take approximately 1-2 minutes. (Yeah, right...)
Further down the page the statement of to whom it will be presented appears in bold. The Prez, Atty gnl, Congress, HCI, NRA, And the Govs of all 50...
Lists a website at: www.pollresults.co.uk
And tell you that if you do not want to participate in further polls, call 1-800-606-5720. Want to bet they really need things like your EMail addy, fax (connected to a name) etc, etc,
somebody tell me this ain't a scam, my clinton detector just went off the scale.
I wonder how many poor chumps will be bilked on this? Hope that gunnies are smarter or more paranoid... ;)
Actually, this is the first junk fax I ever got, I may frame it... :)

Shoot carefully... swifter...
i saw a post on this a few days ago either here or at sixguns .... its a scam , has nothing to do with poll,just harvest info and cash.
Thanks, guys, I musta missed it before. Just wanted to be sure it was a scam - well, 100% instead of 99%! ;)

Shoot carefully... swifter...
One of my mom's idiot employees might have sent it in. So, both of the the 2 who had access will pay $2.95. They circled "yes." As the "boss" says, anyone stupid enough to spend $2.95 (not even their money), and even more stupid, circle "yes," deserves to pay double and have their ass kicked to boot.
I received one of those faxed polls myself. At first I thought it was a good idea and asked my secretary to fax it. She brought it back to me saying it required a charge for the fax, and did I still want it sent. After looking at it closer, I knew it had to be a scam.

Think about this...you're with HCI (for example)and want to raise funds. You send these faxes that seem sort of legitimate to every fax number listed in America, posing the simple question about gun control with a yes or no answer. You get let's say $2.25 per fax returned. Let's say you get 500,000 responses...that's $1,125,000.00 in your pocket to run another anti-gun campaign. And most of the faxes returned were probably from unsuspecting gun owners. How perfect!