National CCW Reciprocity site

A national CCW is a step in the wrong direction. If you believe that the Constitution guarantees that the government will not infringe on our right to keep and bear arms, doesn't it make more sense to be active toward repealing gun control laws?
Advocating national CCW is advocating another control on RKBA.

Better days to be,

Let me play Devils Advocate for a moment.

The CCW and CHL laws I'm familiar with require the applicant to demonstrate a basic familiarity with handguns. So, in that light, could a State level 'must-issue' CHL or CCW be considered a 'regulating' factor (A Well Regulated Militia...)?


It is, if nothing else, more verbage to toss at the gun grabbers.

Personally, my political leanings rankle at the fact of having to beg permission of the state at the expense of my money and privacy (too often local newspapers print our names) that I may oblige myself of a basic human right of self defense (one reiterated in the 2nd A) by arming myself. But my need to carry (and remain out of prison) out-wieghs my need to remain anonymous in the eyes of the government. I may as well use the damn thing to make the Clintonistas choke on their own words.

In short, it might work. Why not try it?
National reciprocity is a wonderful thing
to work for. The CCW laws are the only
real positive in the past few years.
They make it possible for lawabiding
citizens to carry guns for self-defense.
Such laws and their effect on crime
(Lott's work) demonstrate the utility
of private gun ownership.

I'm afraid most of the tirades based
on absolutist political philosophies
lack a practical view of the issues.

We need to get the RKBA as part of the
national consciousness as a good thing
for Americans. CCW does that.

The 2 Amend. could be flushed down the
toilet in an afternoon if the public
thinks the RKBA has no utility.

God is not going to personally appear to save

Get real.

You are on target. Libertarian Utopia is no more achievable than the Socialist Utopia pushed by the Washington Post.

Only by realistically assessing the situation, planning and acting accordingly can true progress be made toward rolling back the anti-gun tide. We must go on the offensive. National CCW is exactly such a tactic. We need to keep hammering on the positive benefits to society as a whole from "shall-issue" CCW.

Why does HCI scream so about "shall-issue" CCW? Just think, it implements everything they claim they ask for - extensive background check, prolonged waiting period (weeks to get a permit is typical), training requirements are also typical, and in many jurisdictions, the guns must be described on the permit by serial number - de facto registration. And the statistics support that CCW holders are INCREDIBLY law-abiding.

So why do they scream? Because it demonstrates what we have been saying all along - conventional gun control does nothing but inconvenience the law-abiding while posing no barrier at all to the criminal. And on top of that, it builds proof of a demonstrable benefit. This undermines their whole strategy of discrediting guns and gun owners.

I just wish the NRA would sponsor some FREE training for women in the urban areas, and partner with some stocking dealers to give women a big discount on firearms they purchase. I'd be willing to help support it. A program like that would be so much more strategic than CRIMESTRIKE is. Admittedly, Project Exile was a good, strategic move. It payed off in spades this session.