National Association for Gun Rights information

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Please take a few minutes to listen the short audio briefing Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) has recorded for you.

Unless you and I act now, H.R. 45, one of the most draconian gun control bills ever introduced, will continue to gain steam in Congress.

That's why it is so important that you take the short Gun Rights Survey below.

Visit the National Association for Gun Rights and take the survey. Let's KEEP our 2nd Amendment rights!
More fear-mongering from NAGR.

H.R. 45 (Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009) isn't "gaining steam" in Congress or anywhere else. In fact, it *still* has yet to acquire a single co-sponsor. It was referred to subcommittee over 15 months ago and has essentially died there.
Another organization using hyperbole, dramatization, exaggeration, and statements that are about as close to lies as you can get to hype issues that are not currently issues in an effort to garner donations.

Thanks, but no thanks. Using those tactics, they are NOT friends of the gun owner.
Like Scott said, this thing died without a single co-sponsor.

The NAGR is using Bradyish scare tactics and I'm with Mike on this on, we don't need the NAGR if this is the best they can do.
The NAGR is a gun rights wannabe organization. They demagogue, distort the facts, make up conspiracy theories and tell outrageous lies. Don't know what they do with their donations but I cannot find where they give any money to gun rights causes.
The NAGR is a gun rights wannabe organization. They demagogue, distort the facts, make up conspiracy theories and tell outrageous lies. Don't know what they do with their donations but I cannot find where they give any money to gun rights causes.

Prett much sums it up.

There is no need to distort the facts or tell lies to advance the cause of gun rights.
All this does is make me think twice before supporting that organization in any way. It's a cheap, inaccurate, and ultimately dishonest way of generating self-righteous publicity.

We don't need this.
Let's see here...

1) We have a "sticky" thread on HR 45, which the OP, in his haste to post his message, failed to read. Would have explained the whole thing to him.

2) We have discussed the NAGR in this thread, which if the OP had done a search, would have pulled it right up... Second from the top, not counting this thread.

Closed for the 2 reasons above.
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