National African American Gun Association info

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New member
I'm an old rural white guy and just heard of the National African American Gun Association today. Looked over their somewhat sparse web site and I'm very interested in their mission. After doing some googling, I can't find any real info about community outreach or lobbying. I realize the organization's only been around for a couple of years, and still building membership, so I don't expect a lot but I can't find anything.

I'd like to join and donate some money so I'm doing my due diligence.
Anyone have any knowledge or experience with these folks? I'd appreciate any info.
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I guess I could google it lol

I've Never heard of them.
Gotta be careful though sometimes anti-gunners will create pro-gun sounding groups to use as mouth pieces FOR gun restrictions to make the endorsements sound like they have wide reaching support even from "reasonable" progun org's.

Although usually not as specific as this one sounds.
I'm sure they're not an anti group. There are articles in the NYTs, Mother Jones, CNN stating how appalling they are. Based out of Atlanta with chapters in several states. Just don't know if it's a money grab or legit.
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No, if legitimate, I don't believe an organization promoting gun education and 2nd amendment rights in their community is racist. That word gets thrown around way too much to the point of having lost it's meaning. I support the Pink Pistols. I'm not gay but recognize they have the same goals as I. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

If gun rights supporters don't reach out to groups that are different from themselves, we'll all ultimately lose. Caucasians are becoming a minority and folks will just have to get use to it. It's neither good nor bad but just is. 2nd amendment proponents will stick together or hang alone.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

This is an oft repeated saying, but historically speaking, seldom true.

The enemy of my enemy is my ally, is often true, for a limited time, at least. Friendship is another matter, entirely.
Point taken but still doesn't negate the rest of my post. We are getting away from my original question though. I'm truly curious about this group.
There is a long history of African-Americans using firearms to protect themselves in the USA. When I have a moment, I will post the scholarship on the utility of firearms in the Civil Rights movement to protect against racist opponents, some of whom were agents of state government (overtly or covertly).

In fact, this history is the best evidence of defense against tyranny that we have for the 2nd Amend. It should be used more by major organizations like the NRA.
The pic of "the Founder" looks a bit staged. Who holds a pistol like that for a proud ownership picture?
The second a group identifies themselves in such a way to seperate themselves from the rest.....well, ill leave the rest of my opinion out of it but they won't get a penny from me.
The second a group identifies themselves in such a way to separate themselves from the rest.....well, ill leave the rest of my opinion out of it but they won't get a penny from me.

Yeah, sorta like the JPFO. All I can say is reread post #5.
For me there are Americans then any other group. I believe when we start to use a "what ever" / American term then we have lost our collective identity as American. If there is a cause I support then it shouldn't single a person out by any qualification other then being commented to a goal.
jonnyc said:
The pic of "the Founder" looks a bit staged. Who holds a pistol like that for a proud ownership picture?
The entire web site is more than a bit dodgy. Maybe I'm being elitist but, if I were putting together a web site hoping to attract a large, national membership ... I'd start by making certain the test was written with proper English, proper punctuation, and proper capitalization. Their web site looks like it was put together by a 13-year old kid.
I have no information about the group, sorry.

Sham groups, and con artists are out there.

The only issue I have with groups who self-identify as something racial, religious, cultural, ethnic, etc., in addition to our firearms rights is the risk of having additional issues, associated only with the specific group, becoming the focus OVER firearms rights. And not just by the group, but by the opposition, and/or the general public.

And there is also the risk of being associated (in the media spun public eye) with other groups claiming the same kind of identity, who do NOT share the same beliefs about firearms ownership.

As far as I'm concerned, the only "identity politics" we should be involved in is as gun owners, without additional complicating factors.
I hope they are legit and have a perfect right to organize on a basis they like. There were German shooting clubs in TX and groups that identified themselves as Christian.

I don't see any legit criticisms here that are useful to anything.

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