Nation Of Riflemen/RWVA Shoot - Central TX -- 10/29-30


New member
Update -- 16 June 05: The second day is a "go", and pre-registration is going to be essential, as we have a practical limit of about 150 shooters (spectators are welcome, BTW)!

Send your name & contact info [email and voicemail-equipped phone, if possible], plus $25 per shooter [cash or MO strongly preferred] to:

Peter White
860 Johnson Ferry Road
Suite 140
Atlanta, GA 30342

Bookmark this link for ease in updates. As course of fire and other details get more certain, I'll update. I'll also post info re lodging and other details in the next week.

Look forward to seeing you there in October!

PS: Let me know if you are willing to volunteer as a safety officer, to assist in finding a suitable joint where we can have a feed on Saturday night, etc.. All help WILL be GREATLY appreciated. Let me know at


Save the date, folks -- we've got something big in the works!

On Saturday, October 29, 2005, the RWVA will hold the next in its "Nation of Riflemen" series of clinics and shoots in the backyard (so to speak) of NoR jefe Kim du Toit.

It's a chance for all of us to meet, shoot, learn, and bond on one of the finest ranges in the country -- the Tac Pro Shooting Center in Mingus, TX.

You'll be near enough to Dallas-Fort Worth for non-Texans like me to find it, but far enough out in the lush beauty of central Texas to be able to practice your riflery and test yourself on Fred's Army Qualification Test (AQT). We'll also have a bunch of practical and fun shooting games that will test your ability to shoot, move, and even communicate as a team.

Course of fire is TBD, but here's a preliminary schedule:

0800-0830: Registration/Sign-In

0830-0900: Safety Instruction/Range & Firing Line Protocols

0900-1000: Sling/Position Instruction; Obtain 25M Zeroes for All Students

1000-1300: 25M AQT Instruction

Fire 1 qualifying stage (40 rounds) as baseline; 10 rounds standing in 2 mins; 10 rounds seated from standing in 50 seconds; 10 rounds prone from standing in 60 seconds; 10 rounds prone in 5 minutes
Instruction on "six steps of firing the shot" and "natural point of aim"
Fire another 25M AQT stage
Ball and dummy drill
Fire final 25M AQT stage

1300-Dark: Practical Riflery at Actual Distance

Explanation of "battlesight zero" concept; confirm BSZ for all student at 250M/275 yards
Reactive targets (if available) at known distances (300-500 yards) against time/ammo limitations (multiple stages)
Paper silhouette targets at known distances against time/ammo limitations (multiple stages)
"Rattlebattle" -- Practical exercise, consistent with all range and safety concerns, that gets people shooting, moving under stress, and then shooting again at small targets while reloading/huffing/puffing/under stress -- against time/ammo limitations, of course.

O-dark-hundred to whenever: Group Meal/Cocktails at Local Beanery-- NB: local recon reports VERY welcome!

If there is sufficient interest in a second day, here's a proposal for that:

0800-0830: Coffee/Administrative

0830-1000: Instruction in NRA Highpower Course of Fire

1000-1200: NRA Highpower Match (don't worry -- you CAN do it!)

1200-1600: Lord Roberts Match -- You'll have one minute, starting with a fully loaded rifle, to place as many rounds as possible into a 24-inch black bullseye at 300 yards, reloading as often as you can. To keep things interesting, we'll group shooters by rifle types, so bolties will shoot against fellow bolties, and so forth. Hits in the black count, and anything outside the black does not!

Some details (with more to follow!) :

When: 10/29-30/05; 0800-dark
Who: Approximately 150 shooters max, and we WILL be calling for safety volunteers to help keep all of us safe.
How much: $25 per shooter; idea is to keep admission low but cover expenses
Verboten: Full auto -- our goal is to promote rifle marksmanship, not ammo consumption!

Here's what we need from you:

- Any centerfire rifle [bolt-action, semi-auto, single-shot, lever action, etc.], caliber .32 or smaller, is welcome.
- Bring 300 rounds minimum per day, and be prepared to shoot fast and well.
- Did I mention to bring enough ammo? An extra rifle might be a good idea, too, unless you have shaken the bugs out of your main stick.
- Iron sights preferred, but scopes can be used.
- Have a sling for your rifle(s).
- Safety glasses, hearing muffs, AND plugs strongly recommended.
- For those of you planning to play in the "shoot and scoot" games, bring something to haul your ammo and mags (100 rounds min.) -- be it web gear, belt pouches, or WallyWorld blue plastic shopping bags!
- Be prepared for whatever weather is thrown at us -- sun gear AND rain gear is suggested.
- We'll see what we can do for food/beverage on site, but lunch will likely be "catch as catch can" -- if you bring your own, you'll be all set!
- All shooters will be required to sign a liability waiver.
- Just bring your desire to shoot well and learn.

Keep your eyes open for updates, and I look forward to seeing all of you in Texas!