Nashville I-24 Expo Dec.15-16


New member
Any TFLers coming to the gun show this weekend? I heard it was this weekend and then I heard it was last weekend.

If it is this weekend, than Oleg and I will be coming, probably on that Saturday morning (15th).
Well, that will make at least two Molon Labe! hats at this show.

What say we set up a rendezvous point at a specific time? Glockten and I usually meet in the snack bar around 0930. If you're out there lurking, Steve [and I know you are ;)], drop me an e-mail to confirm.

Oh, btw, runt_, that item I said I would mail...I'll just bring it along. :cool:

See everybody there...should be a great show. If you're taking anything to sell, give us Tennessee TFL'ers a heads-up so we get first pick!