NAR to sue BATF?

The BATF: Beaurau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Amateur Rockets, child molestations, fertilizers, have their own private air force bought through a "black budget", also involved in getting White Sepratists to turn informant. Is there anything these boys don't cover?

I think its time we started some civil disobedience. I'll bring the corn and get the still going, someone else can bring the rockets and we'll meet in front of the Jefferson Memorial with a couple thousand gun-toting rednecks. What do you say?

Nah, on second thought, they'd just bomb us.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
At first glance I thought this thread was titled "NRA to sue BATF". I thought to myself "No way! NRA dug deep and finally found some balls to do what members pay them to do!!? Now that HAS to be a typo..."

Well, no typo but I was right to disbelieve it-- it's the National Association of Rocketeers. What a disgrace to the NRA that with such a broad member base, so much money, and the backing authority of the United States Constitution, they appear unwilling to stand up to the BATF.

***Meanwhile, some freakin' model rocket enthusiasts show us how it's done.***
I honestly don't know much about the sport but apparantly fliers are required to have Low Explosive User Permits for the propellant and the BATF wants to raise the current fee from $20 to 200. There are also storage and transportation issues. Basically, they don't want anybody to have any fun. BATF field agents interpreting regulations on "rocket science"? Must be a joke in there somewhere. The NAR claims less than 4000 members. They raised 10k in their legal war chest in 4 days!
A permit for Rocket Motors?
You got to be kidding me!
I can drive for 5 minutes and hit any number of TOY STORES that sell Rocket Motors in blister packs of 5 to 10.

These are TOYS...
Low Explosive permit INDEED.
The Government and it's ATF Attack Dogs need to freaking RELAX.
Here is an Idea... Let them smoke all that Dope they are fighting... Then if we see an ATF Agent - we can just hand them a bag of Cheetos and they will go away.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called:
Toy stores, according to the NAR site, sell class "G" and below rocket motors. A class "H" or above motor is a different level. The difference between lower powered rocket motors and the higher powered "H" and above, is like the difference between class "C" fireworks and TNT for example. Some of the higher powered multi stage rockets can interfere with airline flights, and according to NAR, the FAA is also involved with regulation of the sport. The rockets they mention are not toys, but scale models. Huge difference. BATF appears to be trying to reap some kind of first strike gains the rewards of gvt funds in case some other agency tries to claim control over the rocket motors. My guess would be Transportation or something related. Probably just a new source of tax to them, and another meaningless restriction for everybody else.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
Can we afford $5 each to aid these folks? If not, it's like "Well, I don't care about guns, I don't own one". Sound familiar?

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
As the government gets more oppressive they have to place greater restrictions on those things that may be used to oppose them. Rockets are one of those things. In the minds of FBI, BATF, NSA, and other alphabet soup bureaucracies everything is a weapon to be used on them. Think about it:

Wire, water pipe, batteries, etc in your home are "bomb making" paraphernalia;

Baggies sandwich bags, weightwatchers or mail scales, measuring spoons, etc are "drug" paraphernalia;

Model rockets have squibs for igniters so those become "fuses" and "bomb detonators". The rockets themselves are "explosives delivery devices".

I am sure you can name many more household items and chemicals that could cause the mind of a bureaucrat to spin like a top in dervishlike frenzy.

In the mind of a bureaucrat, you are the enemy. You are up to no good. You hate the government even though you ARE the government. The Constitution in the hands of the common citizen is a subversive document.

Welcome to Amerika.

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited November 30, 1999).]
I am at a loss how to combat our increasingly paranoid and above the law government bodies.
Here in Ohio Bob Taft was elected Governor against the odds by the votes ccw supporters. He vowed to push RTKBA through to a vote if he got elected. Guess what? He had his fingers crossed behind his back all the while. He claims he meant he would IF the law enforcement community supported it, by law enforcement community he meant the chiefs of police org. you know the guys appointed by the politicians Bob vowed to fight to regain our rights. Ow my bum hurts!

Quite embarassed, but even more pissed!
Dave Blackburn
Man, what a rip!

Don't relect the bastard.

Hell, I'd rather have liberal who said he was a liberal-at least you know what your dealing with.

Man, that kinda of stuff burns me up, is there no honor left.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
OK, I just sent $25. The IRS is going to have fun looking at my tax-deductible contributions this year! ;)