Name That Country!


New member
This was sent to me by my brother, and for lack of a better place to post this, I'll put it here in "General Discussion". While I can't stand behind these numbers, I'm sure they can be verified somehow.
"[I cannot claim credit for this. It was forwarded to me by a friend. My friend got it from a man named Ed Duncan.]
· 709,000 regular (active duty) service personnel;
· 293,000 reserve troops;
· Eight standing army divisions;
· 20 air force and navy air wings with 2,000 combat aircraft;
· 232 strategic bombers;
· 13 strategic ballistic missile submarines with 3,114 nuclear warheads on 232 missiles;
· 500 ICBMs with 1,950 warheads;
· Four aircraft carriers, and;
· 121 surface combat ships and submarines, plus all the support bases,shipyards and logistical assets needed to sustain such a naval force.

Is this country Russia? No
Red China? No
Great Britain ? Wrong Again
USA? Hardly
Give Up? Well, don't feel too bad if you are unable to identify this global superpower because this country no longer exists. It has vanished. These are the American military forces that have disappeared since the 1992 election.
Sleep well, America."

Something to think about, isn't it?

Don LeHue

The first sign of poor craftsmanship is wrinkles in the duct tape.
Ya and I heard that the air force will be short around 3000 ppl this year. Enough to make 1000 planes grounded. Also the navy will be short enough personel to make it immpossible to fill the billets on 2 ships. Things are gettin scarier, not only are we getting stuck into a war where we are not wanted, we may not have the personel to fight it.
DonL: The figures are just about right...If I'm not mistaken, the piece was in an article COL (Ret) David Hackworth wrote several months ago.
I believe we have more than 4 aircraft carriers, didn't we have 6 in Desert Storm?? And I know that there is at least one introduced since then. But it doen't matter I see the point.
Nick, it's a list of the assets that have been lost or cut from the budget since 1992. Thus, "4 aircraft carriers" only means that we have lost FOUR CARRIERS since 1992, not the number that we currently have. That sure is a lot of assets gone, now that I think about it. . . .

[This message has been edited by Gwinnydapooh (edited March 26, 1999).]
I find this post very interesting as it sort of confirms a suspicion growing inmy mind. I think Slick Willie is deliberately depleting our existing military resources to further a hidden agenda. Why is he so friendly with Red China? Why has he given Red China a port on our west coast to refuel and resupply their WARSHIPS? Why is he supporting the ethnic Albanians, who are as you know allied with Red China?
I think he is trying to put the U.S. in such a position of weakness, that Red China will be able to take over without firing a shot. I think he will use the Y2K fears to further his agenda, that is declare martial law, search and sieze firearms from every home he can find. Why is he and the wicked witch of DC, Ms. Reno so intent on registering ever gun they can. Sounds to me like Hitler in 1935 all over again, except this time it is communism based rather that fascist. Like Donl said "Something to think about, isn't it?"
Paul B....As much as I hate to admit it, reduction in overall strength (equipment, divsions, wings, fleets, manpower, etc) is one that we can't totally blame on the current administration. The Bush administration and the its congress began the process following the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Gulf War and our emergence as the "'s only super-power...". The current administration and congress have continued this process as (according to them) their constituents wanted more butter and less guns. In reality, they (congress) wanted more money for their pet projects...DOD's budget was ripe for the proverbial picking. Just my view.
Mike. I agree with you up to a point. Unfortuneately like most of us, I have become politically active at a late date. Yes the dismanteling of our military started with the end of the Cold War. I live in an area that has an air base right in town, and army base within 50 miles of town, and a large military aircraft storage area. Just the other day, a big deal was made in the paper about this machine they have, that they are using to chop up B-52 bombers. They had people from Communist countries there, watching us chop up our military resources. Everytime there is talk of base closures, there local media goes into a frenzy. Like I said earlier, I have only recently become more politically aware. Since my retirement, I have had more time to pay attention to what's going on, and frankly, I don't like the way Slick Willie's doing things withour military. I still think he has a hidden agenda, that bodes evil for the American public. While I admit I like Chinese food, I don't want it as a steady diet. Nor do I relish the idea that I might be right in my thoughts. This is one time I seriously hope I am wrong.
In the National Geographic for December, 1998, pg 2, is an article by a Tracy
Dahlby, entitled: South China Sea.

Among the subjects discussed, this interesting article shows:
- how this entire area of the world is moving toward free markets and
- which countries covet which parts of the South China Sea, its rich
petroleum resources and (dwindling) fishing grounds.
- which countries look like potential winners and losers in the struggle for
various ownership rights and the above resources.
- how important the South China Sea is to international commerce (shipping
- the U.S. “... patrols the sea like a cool-eyed town marshal, (and) takes a
dim view of anybody who might obstruct the free flow of maritime traffic
through international waters.”
- “The U.S. outguns China in aircraft carries (12 to 0) and ballistic
submarines (18 to 1), as well as in most sea fighting basics.”

As each country struggles to achieve the goals it believes are in its best
interest, alliances will be made and broken and many bluffs and political
struggles are inevitable. Here’s hoping mutual interests and international
cooperation preclude the real or perceived need for actual force.
We have two assets that Clinton can't do away with - the Atlantic and Pacific. Lets get on with the job of building a defensive military force (a small force) and quit robbing taxpayers pockets to fund global police work.
The Serbs, the Iraqi's, the Somali's and even the Chinese are no threat to us so quit breaking American workers backs to pay for glorifying politicians reigns with foreign wars.
Global village be damned!

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
Some people find it a little suspicious that
Yugo, and Iraq, both are in the mood to challenge the US, at the same time. What do we do if Iraq decides to esculate? Rumors say that Russia is upgrading both countries air defense systems. GLV
Name that country? Name any country that had been around long enough where the bureacracy has grown to the point where a dollar in equals a penny out! Government workers, don't get me wrong on this, it's taken a long time to create the system that we have now but the Federal Government has been totaly out of control for years sucking up tons of money.
Our problem is that we can't make enough money to support the system we have grown!
My .02 Sorry