Name Klinton's house


New member
From another board came this priceless gem --

"A radio station ran a contest to name the Clintons' new house in NY.

Some of the good ones: Perjurers' Palace, HillBilly Villa, The House of Bill's Repute, Drawers Downs, Cheatem Estates, Castle of Contempt, Sin Simeon, The House That Terry Bought, The Knee Pad, The White Trash House, The Blight House, The Panderosa, Liars' Lair, Bill & Hill's Bribe & Breakfast, The Clinton Compost, Dogpatch on the Hudson, Rancho Immoral, Deceitful Domicile, Monica's Man's Manor The Hen House, The Out House, The Big House, The Love Shack, Lucifer's Lair, House of the Rising Son, The House of Seven Felonies, Cottage of Contempt and Motel Sex.

But the clear, hands-down winner was... DISGRACELAND"

Hoot! Some pretty inventive people out there.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
The expensive training we must have paid for to teach them to actually write a check from their own account. These leeches have rarely been without the comfort of taxpayer provided room and board. It must be a horrible transition for the poor barnacles. I hope we are providing them with adequate psychological counseling. It just isn't right to toss them into the real world among the rest of us without a litle decompression. Actually, I hope they explode.
I was thinking more of the likes of "SING SING".

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Sh!+House Holler, ya'll

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
This is slightly off topic, but oh well.
It's my understanding that the Prez gets SS protection for the remainder of his life.
So, do those agents live on or near the premises of the Prez?
And, if so, is that housing paid for by us?
If the SS quarters are part of or on the same property as the Prez's home are we paying for his house too?
I know we shouldn't be paying for his retirement residence, but are we?

Oh, and aside from SS protection, what other benny's does a former-Prez get? A paycheck? Anyone know for sure?
Thanks, -Kframe
Well I'd hafta go with "Hillbilly Villa" 'cause....

Well I'm gonna tell you a story of a man Bill.

Poor politician, barely kept his pecker still.

Then one day he was sittin' on his desk & up from the floor came a Brunette in a mess....

Monica that is, White trash, a Texas tease.

Well the next thing ya know ol' Bills a bein' impeached, the Kin folk says
"Bill you're a Son Of A Bitch"!

We says the Penetentiary is the place you oughta be BUT they counted up the votes & the rest is His "Story" :(

Bills that is, a lyin' fool ....
Move his @rse !

It's the Arkansas Hill-Billies ;)
Y'all DON'T Vote now & we'll be BACK - Y'hear !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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Can't believe somebody didn't submit this before...
The Fornicatorium.
Or is that what he calls the Oval Office?

[This message has been edited by Jhp147 (edited December 22, 1999).]
UnAmerican Estates, Sell-out Cellars, Socialist Row, House of Sex and Fables....

I can't think of others right now...

Actually, I bet the Chinese are paying for it...

[This message has been edited by deepforest27 (edited December 22, 1999).]