NAIS, National Animal Identification System

Scott Conklin

New member
The federal government is in the process of instituting a scheme to chip, register and monitor every livestock animal in the US. An article in this month's Countryside & Small Stock Journal details this abomination, but the article is not yet available online. Look for it here shortly: And then there's the USDA's site on the subject:

Also, for far more info and involvement: or, a site dedicated to the opposition of this fiasco in the making. The forum, listed below, is currently online, while the primary page should be up tonite and then expand rapidly from there.

We NEED to band together, whether you are an owner of livestock or not, to stop this insane effort NOW. Between the Kelo decision effectively handing our property rights to fedgov and corporate interests, and the NAIS which effectively hands real property to fedgov, we are experiencing the most important and destructive events in modern US history. The NAIS is like an inventory list for fedgov thugs. If you think terrorism is a big threat it would be good for you to look at what is being done to us under cover of that threat.
huh. most of the links didnt work for me. but the idea seems like a huge waste of money to me, and nothing else.

what are they saying the benifits are for this? if there are any. stopping the spread of disease doesnt cut it for me.
Hmm, the homesteading and USDA links are good. The two stopanimalid links, as I noted, won't be active till tonite. The forum link is good I know, I'm working there now.

Basically this is being presented as yet another facet of the "war on terror". The claim is that somehow by registering every critter out there and requiring records of their status the food supply will be safer...

Yeah, it's absurd, but that's their "logic", such as it is.
As an owner of livestock, this issue touches me personally and financially.

It's an insane attempt to try to show the rest of the world that BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) is being monitored and corrected in our food supply system. While that's a good thing, THIS IDIOCY is not.

Major food producers (beef, pork, fowl ranchers) get to ship their livestock in huge "lots" under one ID #. They also get to pay ONE fee for the transfer (even if they transfer 5 gazillion animals in the "one lot").

OTOH, I'm required to have a special ID # for myself & for EACH ANIMAL I own, notify the govt whenever I move, transport, or slaughter any animal (even if for my OWN dinner table) or even if I ride my horse off my property AND pay a fee (the same fee as the major food producers) each time I do any of the above.

So, lets see now.... I have 5 animals, I have to have 5 ID #'s for 5 animals (and pay a fee for each of these), Another ID for me (and pay another fee), An ID for my spouse (and still another fee), notify the govt each time I have chicken for Sunday dinner (and pay yet ANOTHER FEE), etc. while the mega-rich food producers pay only ONE TIME.

Who can afford to play that game? Certainly not me. I cannot afford to subsidize the food producers out of my meager pockets while they post larger profits and it STILL doesn't "fix" the BSE problem.

So far it's only a draft plan and a "voluntary" participation program BUT the draft is designed and intended to be implemented by Jan 2007 or 2008 (I forget which).

It's insanity and I draw the line here. I will NOT participate even if the "draft plan" does become law. Let them just TRY to confiscate my livestock and we'll see how many "Ruby Ridge" events this country can have.
Does anyone see a trend here?
Stalin's Russia went thru it.
East Germany refined it.

It's called "safety by bureaucracy". Too often the antithesis of "Freedom". Too often abused. Quite often catching the innocent in a Bureaucratic Nexus that only that individual's life savings can resolve....because the Bureaucracy devotes its resources to Mission and Self Protection, leaving nothing left over for Resolution.

This defines "ugly".
Then keep an eye on the site, hit the forum if you have ideas or want to participate in anything we come up with. I have no idea where all this effort will go, and certainly no idea if it will succeed, but we certainly have to try.

And about patterns:

Kelo decision
Sustainable Development

All of it is happening with the single goal of putting everything under centralized control. Your land, your food, your ability to buy and sell and trade... And it is happening fast, under cover of the "war on terror". Nobody is paying attention...until it directly gores their particular oxen.

I said long ago that I truly suspected the "revolution", in whatever form it takes, would NOT be about guns or the 2nd Amendment, but about our very homes. I'm now thinking maybe I should invest in a crystal ball...I could make pretty good money on the side, eh?
I finally waded through the documents...

Sorry to say, it parallels too many programs now in existance and they have all been ruled legitimate government concerns, via the Commerce Clause... This piece of cake was brought to you by Wickard v Filburn. Oh, and let's not forget this years icing on that cake, Gonzales v Raich.

Since this is merely a regulatory action, it will take the entire Congress to derail it.

This "regulatory action" violates the takings clause, my right to freely contract, my right to freely travel, and my right to be free from unreasonable seizure of my person, papers and effects.

The takings clause is violated because I cannot do whatever I want with my livestock without "permission" or notification of the govt.

The right to freely make contracts is violated because I cannot move, sell, or dispose of my property without govt permission.

My right to freely travel is violated because implicit in that right is the ability to take my property with me when I travel. Afterall, no one supposes that I have a right to freely travel yet my clothes can be kept from doing so due to a regulatory action. The same principle applies.

From there, this is my property that the gov't is attempting to use for it's own reasons and purposes. As my property, it is my "effects" under the 4th amendment. There is no reasonable basis to assume that taking my gelding on a trail ride somehow will make some cow in Canada or Nebraska contract BSE.

This is different from Wickerd. There is no "public good" involved. Worse, there's no compensation for the taking as there would be under eminent domain proceedings.

Can you imagine what the FFA and 4H are going to do?