
New member
anyone ever hear of The North American Hunting Club?
i got an application in the mail
the kit contains everything you need to become a NAHC field tester of new firearms, scopes, clothing...
You keeep everything you test free
12 bucks a year...

I joined once and it's kind of a scam. As far as free products to test, the most you can expect is a packet of "moose-scent", some foam ear plugs, or a cheap camo-cap with some supply company's name on it. It's really just a way to get your name so they can sell mailing lists. Once you join, you'll get junk mail from every "outdoor" related company in the world. Your results may vary so try it if you'd like. I wasn't very impressed. Good luck.

[This message has been edited by JJR (edited June 29, 1999).]
If your expecting them to shower you with high dollar products, your in for a long wait. I've received things like a Compass, Flashlight, and Pocket knife. The best thing they ever sent me was a Gerber multi-tool with the pliers, knife, screw driver, etc. I guess its worth about $30.

Just look at it as a $12 magazine subscription, and smile if you get any cool toys.

NAHC sent me the same packet. As I don't hunt, I emailed them asking to be removed from their mailing list. They responded the same day.

I would kinda like to know how they got my name in the first place, but they wouldn't tell me.
I joined up many years ago. it lasted two years, and I opted out. Tried them again about two years ago, opted out again after the year was up. Never got any free stuff. All their leased and private hunting ground is back east. Not a darn thing in my opinion for westerners. I think all you are doing is buying more private ground for steve Burke to hunt.
Paul B.
Well I'm a Life Member of the NAHC.
I got my membership a while back and it cost me about $250 if I remember right. I once got a rifle sling to test. Haven't gotten anything since. The magazine is pretty good, plus theres a bunch of other stuff that you can do, for example trade hunts. If your a hunter and already a member of the NRA or some other RKBA group then I could think of a lot of worse ways than becoming an NAHC member to spend your money on.