Nagant Rifles - Which one is the best?

Gator Weiss

New member
Seeing a variety of Nagants coming into the country again. Seeing Polish, Russian and Fin versions of the Nagant. Finding them over the counter in arsenal refinished condition for $149.00 and up, and through shippers, I am finding them "as-is" for about 95 bucks and up. The Fin has a sort of "mauser" looking wood stock that is nicely cut, but seems to be of spruce that is dyed reddish brown. They want 300 to 400 bucks for the Finland model.

I have one "K-44" that actually has Korean markings on it - a short rifle with folding three corner dirk pig sticker. Probably North Korean, originating in China or something of that nature. I was told it was picked up in Vietnam and brought back by a GI in the early 1960s. Russians called it the M44 Carbine, but the Vietnamese designation was K-44.

I want a long-Nagant, and I cant decide between the Polish and the Russian.

The Nagants are solid little critters for sure, but the machining on them varies a great deal from plant to plant, place to place. Some of the Polish ones look really good. Most of the Russian ones are rough, but with occasional perfect looking pieces in war-time finish.

Does anyone have any information as to which type of Nagant might make the better piece and which might retain or gain some value in the years to come?
The Finns are likely to be the best shooters. They rebarreled them, installed better sights and a better trigger. They tested them for accuracy and those that did not measure up did not get issued. If you look around you should be able to find a Finn M39 for $200 or so.

91/30 are still available for less than $100 and everyone should get one as someday the supply will dry up.
As far as fit and finish is concerned I have never seen a better Mosin than those produced for Russia by Remington. They are finely blued and free of machine marks. With this attention to outside appearence it tell me the unseen quality is fine as well.
I found a 1931 tula octo action at Big 5 a year or so ago for $99 and it is as much of a tack driver as a 7.62x54r can be. I have been told since that these pre WWII models were more carefully made than those manufactured after the war started. I did shorten the barrel by 8" and recrowned it. as well as an aftermarket stock. I did fire it before any mods and was very accurate at 100 yards with irons. there is a great deal of information on the identifying marks of each type of mosin on the web. I would suggest a bit or research before you look at some. I really just kind of lucked out with my purchase.
Undefaced, un screwed with original Imperial Westinghouse, or indeed any similar Imperial
WildconditionconditionconditionAlaska ™©2002-2011
Which ever one you pick, check the rifling.

Many great looking MN's have worn rifling at the throat. Mostly due to the age of the barrel, possibly the shoulder wrenching power of the 64R, but most probably due to the corrosive powder. The earlier owner of the rifle probably didn't know to pour ammonia down the barrel and over the bolt when finished at the range.

Clean as usual, but use the ammonia early to cut down on the power of the corrosive powder at the lans in the throat.
Hold on! I for one would love to see some pictures of your "k-44" with " korean" markings. Am I wrong isn't that a searious find if it has proper marking? I know sks's with east german, north korean and north Vietnam markings are golden. I for one would pay top dollar!
The Finn rifles are much better quality and correspondingly higher price. You should be able to find M95, Dragoon, M91/30, M39 all pretty affordable for excellent examples. M27s & M28s turn up now and then for usually a lot more money unless the seller is a complete ignoramus.

The surplus ammo is all corrosive. Clean as normal then flush the bolt, chamber and barrel with a generous amount of plain old water to dissolve the potassium chloride (KCl) then dry and oil. Potassium chloride is hygroscopic and will collect water which rusts your barrel but it is the water that does the work of removing it, not the stink of the ammonia nor the pretty blue dye in Windex. It really doesn't take a lot of water, a few ounces is adequate as long as it wets the surface and runs out enough to remove the salts.
Here is my Mosin Nagant. I wrote a brief review in the Rifle Forum if you want to read it. Mine was made in 1934 in the Izhevsk factory. Shooting an old rifle like this is something else. I rather like mine.


Ditto for the Finn M39. Pat Burns at is a good source of them. You can remove the notched blade of the rear sight and replace it with an aftermarket aperture for less than $20, making it one every accurate iron-sighted rifle.
I've only been collecting/shooting (M91, M91/30, M44) them for a couple years. My Polish M44 was the smoothest action and best trigger. None of them are super accurate because I only shoot the spam can light ball, surplus ammo. But all of them will do at least 4" bench rest groups at 100yds. I did make sure the bores were decent before I bought them. All the serious shooters tell me that the Finns, particularly the M39s, are the most accurate. If you can, check the bore before you buy.
I have a 91/30(Tula), M44, and M39. While the Finn M39 is a beautiful rifle and the most accurate, I would have the say the M44 is the most fun, it super loud, throws a huge fireball and makes everyone at the range stop and say WTH! I've shot many Nagants and all of them are pretty accurate, or what I like to call Milk Jug accuracy. (in other words it will explode a milk jug filled with water at a 100 out of the box. Check out youtube and search "Making your Mosin Rock" by IraqVeteran8888, it shows you how to clean and polish the chamber and bolt locking lugs. I've done this and it make the action smooth as silk.
I believe the Finn Model 28/30 is the best Moisin Nagant rifle. For one thing, it has a bore of .3085" and you can use .308" bullets in it. I have never had a Model 39 Finn shoot as well as a 28/30.

Doug Bowser
"Rifles of the White Death"