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WASHINGTON, DC -- The NAACP is making a "racist mistake" by
filing a lawsuit against gun manufacturers -- and is following in the
shameful footsteps of the Ku Klux Klan, the Libertarian Party charged

"With this lawsuit, the NAACP is not only attacking the civil
rights of African-Americans, but is also continuing the legacy of the
KKK and other racist organizations that have historically tried to keep
guns out of the hands of blacks," said Steve Dasbach, the party's
national director.

"Politics makes strange bedfellows -- and what could be
stranger than the NAACP climbing into bed with the grand wizards of the
KKK by supporting their racist agenda?"

This week, the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP) announced at its national convention that it
will file a federal suit in New York on Friday against 85 gun
manufacturers for "dumping guns into black communities and turning them
into war zones."

The NAACP -- which argued that "the illegal trafficking of
firearms disproportionately affects minority communities" -- wants the
court to ban sales at gun shows and limit how many guns can be sold in
one transaction.

But the reality is, the gun control measures endorsed by the
NAACP will disproportionately affect minority communities, where people
are exposed to higher crime rates and slower police response times,
said Dasbach.

"The NAACP apparently wants to limit the ability of its members
to defend themselves and their families against violent crime," he
said. "That's shameful enough, but what's even worse is that this
lawsuit continues the disgraceful legacy of white racists who don't
think blacks can be trusted with guns."

In fact, anyone who studies history knows that gun control laws
have frequently targeted African-Americans, said Dasbach -- going all
the way back to the post-Civil War period, when Southern whites were
determined to keep guns away from emancipated slaves.

According to Don B. Kates, an author who studied post-Civil War
gun laws, a flurry of Southern states passed laws designed to ban or
tax inexpensive handguns so poor blacks couldn't afford them, including
Tennessee (1870), Arkansas (1881), and Alabama (1893).

That trend continued into the 20th Century. In 1902, South
Carolina banned the sale of handguns to everyone except "sheriffs and
their special deputies: i.e., company goons and the KKK." In 1911, New
York City passed the Sullivan Law, which allowed police to screen
handgun applicants -- so they could reject blacks, eastern Europeans,
and Jews.

And in 1968, Congress passed more gun control legislation,
partly in response to the urban riots that followed the assassination
of Dr. Martin Luther King.

"Given America's shameful legacy of attempting to deprive
African-Americans of basic civil rights -- by denying them the right to
exercise the Second Amendment -- it's baffling that the NAACP would
join this attack," said Dasbach. "This lawsuit is a betrayal of
everything a civil rights organization should represent."

Ironically, the NAACP itself has a history of using firearms to
defend African-Americans from racists, he noted.

In Monroe, North Carolina in 1957, for example, 60 armed blacks
from the local NAACP chapter were able to repel an attack from a KKK
motorcade after the Klansmen shot at the house of Dr. Albert E. Perry,
the NAACP vice president.

"It would be a shame if such despicable attacks against black
Americans became more common in the future -- because the NAACP had
disarmed its members," said Dasbach. "As that incident in Monroe
proved, the best way to protect minority communities is by giving them
the freedom to defend themselves."

The Libertarian Party
I'd like to say this surprises me but it doesn't. I guess it's just the "cool" thing to do, no matter how self defeating.
Sounds like typical liberal mentality: someone ELSE caused these places to be war zones by putting too many guns in their hands. It certainly isn't the criminals' fault, someone else gave them the guns so therefore they HAVE TO shoot each other.
How about blaming the idiots that are shooting people? Aren't there lots of towns in the US filled with guns and no one is shooting each other there?
Oh, I thought this thread was going to be about supporting the interests of only one race. That pretty much ruined it for me as far as ever expecting anything productive or positive for this country from the NAACP.
I was born in Alabama and had family members who belonged to the KKK. They spent more time bringing sorry whites who wouldn't work or stayed drunk or beat their wife and kids back into line than they ever did persecuting blacks.

That said, I am not prejudiced with regard to race. Everyone I meet is presumed to be alright until they prove themselves to be otherwise. I despise trash of any color!

The NAACP, however, is a prejudiced and racist organization by design. They are very close to being a "hate group", in my opinion. They do not seek equality for their members but superiority, making them no different, in my mind, than any other "racist hate group". Worse yet, the NAACP has a recent history of serving itsself instead of serving as a voice for those it claims to represent. Like the NRA, its membership is falling and I believe they are just trying to "stir the pot" and generate publicity.

Mikey; I am surprised at you calling the NAACP a racist group. The Rev Jackson and others have explained that African-Americans cannot be racists because they do not have power. Only the white race can be racists because they possess the power to implement their racism.
I thought everybody already knew this.

Better days to be,

Thanks Ed... :)

That explains a lot of previously perceived unbalances that are actually fair and just... :o

No wonder the non-white races are so upset. We won't even allow them to be racists! ;)

The NAACP (how come nobody else gets to say "colored people"?) is about as interested in helping minorities as the CDC is in curing disease. If either group was successful, they'd be out of work, and therefore, outta money.

Sounds like some other groups I've heard of.


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken
Everybody is some color.

I always wondered if they were an equal opportunity employer.

Like Gallagher said.I dont have a job. While the rest of you are working I am thinking.

Now I think I need a job.

Better days to be,

they are black's! then there are white's hispanics. asian's etc. the only race who in my opinion should be allowed to ues a hyphenated description for their race should be native-american's!! everyone else is just visiting. oh by the way i am an AMERICAN!!
let's do away with the description part of any form that ask you what race you are. OH wait a minute they tried something like that out kalifornia way. then after a majority or people( hispanics incl)voted for it, it was called racist and challenged in court.
Jimc; Native-American is another misnomer-A good example of politispeak. What do the words mean? Obviously the appelative denotes a person born in America.I am a Native- American. I was born in Pennsylvania. Anyboby born on the continent of North America or South America or any of a number of included islands is a Native-American.
Now an American Indian is a separate designation and includes persons with only fractional American Indian parentage.

Of course the USE of the proper terminology is apparently not quite that simple.

Better days to be,

I agree with Ed. The use of "Native-American" is no less ego-stroking than "african-American" or "Italian-American" or "Gun-owning-American". People who use those terms are using them to illicit a response or to make themselves feel good.
What would their response have been if Gun Manufacturers had refused to sell firearms to black's based on the higher crime rates?