NAACP at it again

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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Mailing List
December 1, 1999

NAACP Files Second Lawsuit against Gunmakers

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has
filed a second lawsuit against the gun industry, seeking to change the
relationship between gun distributors and retailers, the Associated Press
reported Nov. 14.
The lawsuit, filed Oct. 29 in New York, calls for firearms distributors to
monitor retail gun sellers as a means of identifying those involved in
illegal sales.

"We believe that, together with firearms manufacturers, gun distributors can
and should enforce the kind of change in industry practices which will make
this nation safer for all of us," NAACP President Kweisi Mfume said.

The lawsuit also calls for gun distributors to carry liability insurance to
cover anyone harmed by their products, and to inspect retailers who sell
firearms. Lawyers for the NAACP are looking to win class-action status for
the lawsuit and sue 122 distributors.

In July, the NAACP filed a lawsuit alleging that gun makers negligently
market handguns and that such marketing practices has led to disproportionate
numbers of injuries, deaths and other damages among minorities.

>From Join Together Online[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Silly Negroes. How soon they forget Jim Crow and just how racist 'gun control' is when applied to immigrants and minorities. It's hard to oppress a brother with a 12 ga. or a .45. 'Kwazi' Mfume, inded.
Mike, the NAACP doesn't truly represent the views of most blacks any more than unions (& their non-labor political choices) represent most rank and file union members. But your main point is well taken. Also, if you're over the age 35 or so, the term "negro" does not have a negative connotation to your generation, but I believe it does to younger blacks today. Not trying to make you become PC or anything - be yourself - but just to make you aware if you didn't know.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited December 01, 1999).]
Oh, bloody hell.

If I read this right, they want a distributor to carry insurance in case he sells a gun to someone who sells a gun to someone else and the last person misuses it.


I'm gonna brew some tea and go plink apricots with my .22. Call me when the world makes sense again.

We will never have racial harmony in America as long as there is money to be made from it.

I told that to the head of the NAACP in RI and he called me a "friendly racist". That's one of those who only calls you a "N" to your back.

I told him that I have done more for racial integration with my penis than he could do with 1000 school buses because my wife is Mexican/Yakima Indian, my White/Mexican/Indian son had a child by a White/Black woman. So I have a Black/White/Mexican/Indian grandson who we sincerely hope will grow up and marry an Oriental Jewish woman and complete the circle.

His response was to tell me that if I really wanted to make a difference, to join the NAACP and make a donation. At this point, reread the first sentence of this post.
Every black guy I know at work has a gun.
One guy had to show his once, when some guys ran him off the road one night for kicks.
As they approached his car with baseball bats, he calmly pulled out his .38 and they ran like the wind.
The NAACP is a liberal organization fighting for power and recognition and will pick up any silly position to get it.
Futo (et al), I realize it's hard to see that I was typing with my tongue firmly in cheek, and at the gnarly old age of 51, I give a rat's patootie (no offense Cornered One) abour PC. Living just outside DC, I have abundant daily reminders that 'politiclaly correct' is one of the more active oxymorons in the common lexicon.

So can someone 'splain to me how Jesse J is and African-American, Clarence Thomas is Black, and Thurgood (sp?, forgive me) Marshall, was Afro-American. I don't mean to offend, but I get so confused. What is it really (tongue still firmly in cheek)? An' how come 'colored people' is wrong, but 'people of color' is OK? One little infinitive makes that big a diference?

I just get so tired of all this fractionalizing when we should really be figuring out what we have in common and how to get the best for the most without leaving anyone out (sorry, that sounded way too liberal,but work with me -), understanding that life ain't fair.

We're really in violent agreement. The NAACP is a bunch of hackneyed libs who no more speak for all Americans of African descent than Al Sharpton does. A pox on stupid people, regardsless of affiliation.
PS - Anthropologically speaking, I believe Negro/Negroid still works, along with Mongoloid (Aisian) and Caucasoid (Europeans), though I'm sure there are some sub-species of all that are from under rocks.

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited December 01, 1999).]
I've always thought, Mike, that "black" is fine. Hyphenations are cumbersome, and I don't like being hyphenated anyway.

But shouldn't we be trying to disprove the gun-owner stereotypes by being as accomodating as possible?

It's not my place to decide what is right for you to say. But we all must realize that we are being watched, and that some people don't have senses of humor as keen as ours.
I'm with Mike, down with dumb people.

Time to start the Natural Selection party. Motto "If you're to dumb to take your hand out of the fire, you deserve what you get."

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Aiiiiee--another group trying shove the blame on the gun industry because of someone else's character flaws.

The last time I checked, neither Beretta, Glock, Sig, nor H&K (nor anyone else for that matter) included a measure of upright personal character with their weapons (I'll have to check my case and my gun the next time I clean it to make sure). That's up to the buyer/user.

Arrrgggghhhh. Bloody "I'm not responsible for my character" liberals.


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Thanks, Mort. I went retro partly to make a point - how soon we forget. While I think it's nice to know your heritage, taking excessive pride in the accident of birth is foolish (and divisive), we're all Americans, and we need to maintain the dialog on what tha means toeach of us.

And yes, character counts.
Best regards, m2
Of course, we could point out that the government, by virtue of the fact that they license dealers, has already taken on the responsibility for monitoring their behavior; Aren't you legally entitled to assume that some one who has a government license is on the up and up?

Sic semper tyranus!