NAA Mini Revolver Questions/Opinions


New member
I am an LEO and have been considering the purchase of an "always gun". I have pretty much decided on a NAA Mini Revolver w/22 magnum frame (for increased grip size) and 22LR Cylinder. I have all but dicounted the .32 offerings because I already own an airweight S&W, and the weights of the 32s vs my 5 shot are so similar that I don't think the 32's would be significantly easier to carry. I realize the weaknesses of a mouse gun, but I subscribe to the theory that no one wants to get shot, and I believe a some of the hot loaded .22s would serve well to repel an attack long enought to retreat (99% of the time anyway) and will certainly be more effective than nothing at all. My question is this. How easy is it to become proficient in deploying, cocking, and firing this little revolver rapidly? I know the answer is practice, practice, practice...but it seems to me that having to cock the gun and then fire under the stress of a life threatening situation, and then to repeat this process rapidly, could prove exceedingly difficult. Any opinions, comments, on anything I've acerted, or real life experiances would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post.
My 'always' for the last six years has been the NAA in 22LR.

I will still carry it always, but it will soon be replaced by a Kel-Tec P32. Extremely light and thin, easy to operate, powerful enough for an 'ear' gun.

The thing about the mini-NAA is its ability to be carried anywhere on your body; around the neck, any pocket, under a watchband, or tucked in the hand. Ease of use requires diligent practice, as cocking IS required, but its size makes speed an elusive goal. I figure it as a 'one shot contact distance' gun.

I'll always carry it, but after handling a friend's new P32 I'm a believer.


"all my handguns are carrying handguns"

I am a career LEO also and the mini revolver that you are talking about is to damned hard to shoot well, the barrel is so short the velocity drops waaaay down and they are not the safest guns around either. The Keltec P-32 OTOH is 6.6 ounces of a reliable 8 shot, very flat and easily concealed pocket rocket. While the little revolver is 5 shots, in a hard to shoot heavier package, than the 8 shot P-32. I have a bunch of backup/off duty guns and the P-32 that I have owned for about 6 months, is what gets carried these days. I carry mine in a Ken Campbell custom pocket holster, but you can carry the little gun in a uniform shirt pocket like a pack of cigarettes and not even notice that it's there. Check one out before you waste your money on that North American Arms mini gun, you'll be sorry if you don't. By the way mine has been 100 percent reliable in over 150 rounds and Corbon is making high performance ammo in .32 these days.

I owned the NAA revolver in .22 long rifle. I can't recommend it as a serious personal defense or back up weapon. It is a single action revolver and difficult to aim accurately at anything other than "place in the bad guy's gut range". Your better off with a knife. I sold the toy gun long ago.

However, I can recommend the NAA Guardian in .32 acp. It is my concealed carry piece when I'm wearing shorts or want a pocket gun. NAA is also introducing in the coming month a NAA Guardian in .380.

The P-32 is also a good alternative. It's cheaper than the Guardian and lighter. However, I wouldn't recommend it for back pocket carry if you plan to sit down. The P-32 frame flexes in your hand if you twist it.
It never ceases to amaze me...

...that people buy the worst NAA made, the mini in .22LR, and then condemn the whole breed on that basis.

The best NAA is the Black Widow in fixed sights, dual .22LR/.22Mag cylinders and with the factory rubber grip shaved down for concealment. You can see other commentary on such a setup here:

And here:

The right .22Mag loads are, in my opinion, the CCI MaxiMag +V JHPs, either original or the new TNT variant. The TNTs will probably expand better, the original are probably better for "deeper punch" wounds or headshots. Paint the BW's front sight orange and the rear white, and you've got something fast-handling and heat-shot accurate out to 7 yards or beyond.

It's true there's many .22Mag loads that don't work in short tubes any better than .22LRs...if it wasn't for the CCIs, the .22Mag minis wouldn't be nearly as useful. I've never had an ignition failure with the CCI .22Mags, ever.

As is, practice with it cheap in .22LR and pack the CCI .22Mags for serious work. Your "first strike speed" will be unmatched by any small auto; follow-up shots won't be quite as fast but not terrible either.

These things rock :).

My NAA .22 mag is a very quality piece. The trigger pull is very light for a derringer type weapon (about 5 lbs). I know it is not a true derringer, but the trigger looks like a derringer's trigger. Overall I highly recommend the NAA .22 mag. The only thing is that accuracy is not good past 1 yard. It is not the gun so much as the tiny grip is hard to point. With enough practice, you can hit out to 7 yards with a Mini, but we are talking LOTS OF PRACTICE.
I like my Mini 22LR very much. It's accurate and a lot of fun to shoot. Experimenting with different gripping will determine what works best for you and the 22Mag should be no problem and possibly a better way to go than the LR (with more handgrip to hold onto). And concealability is as good as it gets.
NAA Mini Revolver

pvq: I carry a NAA Mini in 22WMR (barrel 1-5/8") in a NAA pocket holster that provides a pocket for 6 extra rounds. As you suggested, the magnum frame has a better grip as compared to the 22LR frame. If as some have suggested you are concerned about safety, I would suggest carrying the hammer down on an empty chamber rather than using the notches between the cylinder. Let's face it, if you can't do the job with 4 rounds another round probably would not matter.

Here in LA (Lower Alabama) about 6 years ago, a citizen used a NAA Mini 22LR to defend himself again an armed robber. As the story goes, the citizen after paying his phone bill returned to his pickup truck and was met by a teenager (drug addict) with a .38 revolver. Our citizen, armed legally, drew his NAA Mini and ended the young robber criminal career. One shot approximately between the eyes at near contact range works everytime with any gun. No charges, no grand jury, and no law suits.

The NAA Mini when used within its limitations can be very effective. I refer to my Mini as my "GET-OFF-ME" GUN! It always rides in my right-hand pocket and, with practice, can be drawn and thumb cocked SUPER FAST! To prevent snags you must cover the hammer with your thumb as it is drawn from the pocket. Also the NAA pocket holster is modified for faster, positive release.

Where my SIG P239 can't go, my NAA Mini always will!