Mysterious Gun

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Beretta Boy

New member
I have recently spoken with someone online who claims to be a police officer. She,over the past few days has lead me to beleive otherwise, however, and I am hoping that some of you could help me. The question is simple, she claims to carry an "MKII 32 caliber pistol"... does this pistol exist, and if so, what kind of information can you give me about it that I might be able to quiz her with??? Any help or comments would be apreciated.
Autauga Arms in Prattville AL makes the Mk II in 32acp. It is very similiar to the North American Arms 32. Length overall is
4 1/4", Barrel length 2 1/4", weight loaded is 13 1/2 oz ( like two keltec 32s!).
Stainless Steel, 6+1 capacity, DAO.
MSRP $590.00! (like two keltec 32s!). Actual gun show prices probably $400. Above info from a Lew Horton ad in Gun List magazine.
Maybe she read the same ad.

True, but no one calls it that. It is an Autauga 32. It would have to be her back up gun, no department would allow it as a primary duty weapon.
Ask her what her primary duty weapon is.
What type of impact weapon does she carry.
What brand of handcuffs.
What type of flashlight.
What brand and level of body armor.
Ask her where the mag release is. It is on the rear of the left grip panel.
Ask her how and where she carries it.
Ask her the field strip procedure.
1. Unload pistol
2. pull back slide and insert the magazine or .32 ACP cartridge between the bolt face and the chamber opening. Let slide go forward on magazine or cartridge.
3. On the right side of the slide in the serrations there is a small hole. With the slide held back about .333 inches, use a nail or punch through that hole to depress a button on the frame. This allows the slide to be lifted off.
they only make 2 guns from what i could see.either she carrys a 32 or a rifle on her side !

she claims what again ?


TIM : )
You know...
There are only two things I have ever come accross in my life that can equally frustrate and excite me...
One would be the female species
Two would be the Internet
...with the aforementioned problem I have a mixture of the two.
Anyways, she claims that she is an officer in Oakland, that she carries a Beretta 9mm.. When asked how many rounds the "cylinder" in her "Beretta" held(trick question), she replied (after much avoiding the topic) 15, then changed it to 12, then to 15 again... Then said that the "chamber" held 15.
LMAO... They don't really give people like this badges and guns, do they?
<<edit>> Pardon my manners.. Thank you for the info guys... will come in handy!

[This message has been edited by Beretta Boy (edited November 11, 1999).]
The sad thing is I am a police officer and I have met many lady cops that would sound just like that. And a few guys too. Amazing you can be a cop and not be into guns!
The last post says it best! When I did my internship with the SAPD, during semi annual pistol quals. a POLICE OFFICER LOADED his .40cal cartridges backwards into a MAG and wondered what the problem was??? Needless to say, being a LEO does not make you perfect, nor does it make one knowledgeable in firearms.

Is it just me, or would it be great if the armorers in these places had the initiative and budget to get some pizza and sodas and hold informal extra training sessions in a fun atmosphere? This is how I'm learning to use a handgun (though thanks to TFL and carryover from long arms, I'd say I'm ahead of many veteran cops) and the benefit is that it's enough fun to make me WANT to train. Sounds like these cops are simply so bored stiff with firearms that they don't want to practice--but I bet they practiced driving before they got licenses!

Additional cop/gun horror stories:
The local gun dealer is also an NRA instructor. While discussing safety rules one day (a newbie had just swept a muzzle across my midsection while checking sights) he told me that cops are the worst for safety as well. He often recieves loaded guns dropped off for smithing, and has even been given a loaded Glock by the chief of a local PD--she racked the slide, THEN dropped the magazine out and handed it to him! He said it was some sight when he jacked the chambered round out on the floor . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
protoolman said "The sad thing is I am a police officer and I have met many lady cops that would sound just like that. And a few guys too. Amazing you can be a cop and not be into guns!" Not only is it sad, but it's down right scary too!!!

My own little addition to LEO goofs.
Last week we had our blood drive. We I walked into the van I looked around an noticed who all was there. One was a rookie female leo, she finished with the business at hand and left. As luck would have it, I ended up in the chair she had been in. About 15 or 20 minutes later, she comes back in a big hurry, walks over to the chair I'm in, opens the drawer underneath, retreives her service weapon and puts it back in her holster.
Can you say OOPS!

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited November 11, 1999).]
While standing behind a cop paying his bill at the register of a diner one day, the waitress edged in holding a Glock and said "Excuse me, I think this must be yours". It had apparently fallen out in the booth somehow.
This is a small town and I know this cop. Not an idjit of any kind - just one of lifes embarrassing moments....

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
Lessons learned??

1. NO ONE is perfect... even our men and women in blue.

2. People you meet on-line LIE THROUGH THIER TEETH. Accept it. If i had one thin dime for every rocket scientist stripper jet pilot atronaut super model i've met online I'd be a very wealthy man. Its pretty easy to spot a bull****ter with practice.

3. even highly trained people can have VERY BAD Days. Saw a cop get out of a booth at perkins and DROP his cocked and locked 1911 hammer first onto the floor. I was the not the only person in the restaurant who stopped breathing.


While we can sit back and laugh at LEO goofs, it serves to remind us that police officers are people too. Subject to mistakes, clumseyness and the occasional brain fart just like the rest of us. Cut 'em some slack, they got a tough job to begin with.
You are right about that Grayfox, however there are too many officers out there that would rather have a good pen set than have to carry a pistol. They don't want to practice, don't take care of their weapon and, in a lot of cases, end up in positions of power within the department.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
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