Mysteries Remain in 6 yr BATF Investigation of Albany Police Dept Machine Gun Scandal


The Albany, NY Police Department has been under investigation by the BATF since 2002, when a fully automatic weapon registered to the department was discovered to be for sale at a local gun shop. The gun had been sold to the store by a member of the Albany PD.

Shortly after the investigation began, the then Albany Police Chief Robert Wolfgang wrote a letter to the ATF claiming that the department had managed to "lose" 12 fully automatic weapons. Albany Police have been unable to locate the purchase records of a total of 52 machine guns. However, all of the guns have supposedly now been recovered and destroyed by the Albany Police Department.

Dozens of police officers have been implicated in the investigation. In addition, both a county Assistant District Attorney and a local judge were also implicated as having each illegally obtained one of the machine guns. The Assistant DA, Brian Farley, has even admitted to returning one of the guns to the Albany Police. Yet, not one single person has been internally disciplined within the department over the matter. And despite the fact that there is clear evidence that crimes were committed, no criminal charges have been brought against anyone.

It is illegal in New York state for private citizens, even if they are serving in law enforcement or any other public capacity, to privately possession a machine gun.

BATF officials say that they are frustrated, and that the statute of limitations for filing Federal charges is not that far away.

What do you think is up with this? How is it that so many records related to these weapons have been lost? Why is the police department refusing to make public any information regarding their internal investigation?

Are all of these police officers, the judge, and the Assistant District Attorney above the law?

And on top of that, six years have now gone by, and BATF has still yet to bring any charges against anyone. What is up with that? If these had instead just been private citizens, would the BATF have let this case slide for so long??

Something really smells here about this matter, don't you agree??

Here is an investigative news story done by the Times Union newspaper all about this case:

On top of all of the above, a New York State Police Commision had been formed recently to investigate many reported irregularities within the Albany Police Department. However, when they issued their report recently, it turns out that they totally ignored the machine gun scandal, and failed to investigate it!

How on earth could that possibly happen? Something wrong appears to be going on inside the state of New York. Here is a report about this aspect of the case:

I fully agree on this scandal

It is likely not the only case of it's type involving Police and illegal weapons purchases. I have been following this case for many months now. The ATF has the avarge FFL so intimidated, that if the pen they were using to fill out a 4473 ran out of ink, they would be too perplexed to continue with the form! Yet in this case, nothing has been done or ever will be done. I especially liked the quote that they had to threaten a retired cop with arrest before he turned in his illegal weapon, once again, how would a citizen be treated in the same spot..........Waco II?