
Most excellent! I and Clyde the [tactical] Cat (he's black) will pop the top on a big Foster's Special Bitter and smoke a victory cigar in honor of the success, with more best wishes for a speedy recovery. M2
Thanks for the speedy update. Question is when will he be back in the saddle, oops I mean on the keyboard,?? We miss him! Tell him not to rush it though.

Freedom is not Free
Thanks much for keeping us apprised. Let him know that we missed him at the Mad Dog training this weekend. Despite the surgery, he might have made a great dummy for ground fighting drills! :)

ps: Alternatively, please let him know that I have a softball game this weekend and he'd be perfect for third base; not third baseman...third base!!! ;)

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited 02-08-99).]
Indeed, we are all glad to hear that . has made it throught the surgery. Please convey our support as he prepares for the recovery process. I will be heading to Northern Virginia for the last few days of April, perhaps we will get to shake hands and drink a cold one (or two...)

Great news! Hurry up and get well, . Rich and Rob can't keep us "mobster poster" folks in line by themselves!!!!
.'s friend Nan left a message on my cell phone on Saturday that I only just retrieved. She also emailed me this afternoon. Seems he was in surgery for eight hours but is recovering well and looks better than post surgery last year.

Nan has taken this thread to the hospital to keep him in touch. Perhaps we'll see a reply. I've known . for 20+ years and I can assure all that he's a tough bird to keep down....ornery people usually are.

Thanks all for the genuine interest in his well being....more to come.