My wife's speech (a little bit long)


New member
On 26 May, 2008 my wife will be giving a speech at the Libertarian National Convention in Denver, Colorado. This is the text of her speech. I think she wrote it very well.

"Today, I'm going to talk to you about why I am proud to be a Libertarian. I am going to talk to you about heroes.

My favorite hero is my husband, Nathan. And, I'm not just saying that because he is a soldier on active-duty in Iraq.

He's my hero because, as a Libertarian and a soldier, he exemplifies to me, in a lot of ways, what it means to fight for liberty and freedom. Despite how many of us may feel about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, he has remained loyal and committed to the oaths that he took when he joined the military. Despite the fact that he would rather be home, playing with his children, cruising the high road on his Harley-Davidson, and tossing back a few beers on the weekend, he continues to fight because he made a promise, not just to the military or to his country, but also to his fellow soldiers. He brings that same loyalty and commitment to the Libertarian Party.

Like other me...he brings a fighting spirit and loyalty to the ideals of liberty, freedom, and personal responsibility, as well as a commitment to continuing the fight, when it would be so much easier to take his toys and talents and go home, bury his head in the sand, and hope for the best.

In four years of traveling the blogosphere, I have seen a lot of “hope for the best” type of behavior from fellow bloggers. The most mind-numbing of this behavior is the general admission by so many that they don't mind voting for “the lesser of two evils” and that they would rather continue doing so because trying to get a Libertarian or another third-party candidate elected to office will either take too much work or will enable “the greater of two evils” to win using the argument that third-party candidates steal votes from Republican or Democratic candidates. They admit that they would rather settle for “bad” rather than fight for “better”. Many of them admit that they have lost hope for real change in this country and they are willing to settle for a bad candidate who is a member of the popular duopoly than vote for a better third-party candidate.

My husband introduced me to the Libertarian ideal and to the Libertarian Party. I joined the Libertarian Party because I could no longer stomach settling for “the lesser of two evils”. Once I had begun to open my eyes to the failing duopoly that our Republic has suffered under for so long, I was determined to fight for “better”. I could no longer rely on a dream Democratic or dream Republican candidate to be my hero. It was time to step up and be my own hero.

There has been a lot of talk about hope and change during this election cycle. But, I have to ask those Democrats and Republicans, who would rather vote for “the lesser of two evils”--Is that the behavior of a hopeful person? Can you honestly say that you believe that your life will get better, that things will change, when you continue to vote the same old way, every election day?

I have to ask—Is it really voting for change when the best choice you have on the ballot is someone who promises to tax you more and give you less for all your hard-earned money, forcibly taken out of your paycheck, every week?

I say that when the best you can hope for is just a change from a Republican to a Democratic president or congress—it's time to reevaluate what you stand for and stand up for something better than you have been getting for far too long!

Some people snark, what's so great about the Libertarian Party?

I don't know about you all, but when I support a Libertarian candidate or vote for Libertarian candidates on election day, I do so with a very strong feeling of pride. I get excited about the very idea of voting for a member of a party that I truly believe in. There is a true feeling of exhilaration when a Libertarian candidate gets elected. Why? Because, I know, without a doubt, that real change is going to happen.

Some people talk about audacity. You want to talk about audacity? Unlike members of the duopoly, Libertarians FULLY expect their candidates to be loyal to the cause of freedom, liberty and personal responsibility. Libertarians fully expect that their candidates be committed to fighting for that cause and we expect our candidates to fight against the continued infringements pushed upon us by the duopoly. We can say, with confidence that our candidates are willing to fight for what's right and what's best for this country. We know our candidates are not beholden to monied lobbyists and big business. We expect our Libertarian candidates to uphold the Constitution, not just sometimes, but always.

But, we don't just rely on our Libertarian candidates to stand up for our rights. Just like in the military, Libertarians know that it takes each and every one of us to stand up and fight for what's right. Just like our forefathers did, we know that we have to fight for our own rights. We cannot wait for a dream Democrat or dream Republican or even a dream Libertarian who will finally seek to further the ideals of true freedom and real liberty.

Call me “Pollyanna” (I've been called worse), but I believe that so long as the Libertarian Party and members like me...remain loyal and committed to the cause of freedom, liberty, and personal responsibility, there is indeed hope. I believe that the Libertarian Party offers hope for this generation and the next.

Here's the thing: The other two parties may mean well, promising to take care of you, promising to protect you from criminals or terrorists; promising to protect you, even from yourself. The other two parties candidates promise to be the heroes of the American people, the American way of life. Yet, administration after administration, congress after congress, year after year, the duopoly continues to push new laws and new taxes all the while our freedom and our liberty is being squandered on promises they rarely, if ever, keep.

Why did YOU become a Libertarian? I became a Libertarian because I know that YOU know better than any legislator, any politician, what's best for you. This is not a one-size fits all republic. Yet, the duopoly continue to push laws that only help some of us, meanwhile, their policies hurt all of us.

They write laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, yet, those same laws keep honest Americans from protecting themselves from those same criminals who do not honor the laws...Hello? They're criminals! Libertarians understand that although the police are tasked with protecting and serving their communities, they are usually too late to keep crime from happening. The government is never there when the bad guys are banging down your door. Shouldn't they trust you to know how best to defend yourself?

The duopoly continues to promise better and more affordable healthcare, yet, they continue to write laws that prevent doctors and their patients from using drugs, such as medicinal marijuana, that are a lot cheaper and a lot safer than the many FDA-approved medications pushed by the pharmaceutical companies. The government is not in any kind of position to determine how sick you are, that's a job for your doctor. Shouldn't they trust you and your physician to know how best to take care of you?

Over the last few years, they have tried to “define marriage”, a private and very personal contract between two adults who love each other. Although, this seems be a strong hammer for one party, the other party rarely stands up to say, “Since when is it the governments business to say who can marry whom?”. They want to institute discrimination into the law, preventing adults from deciding for themselves who they want to make a marital contract with. Shouldn't they trust you and your partner to know how best to define your relationship?

They promise to make the country a greener place to live, yet their laws and policies are making things worse. Even regular people, like you and I, are hampered by laws that prevent us from trying to reduce our personal carbon footprint. They want to offer carbon-tax rebates for greener living. Shouldn't they let you keep your money to begin with and let you make your own decisions about how green you want to live?

Libertarians understand that the American people's “hero worship” of the current duopoly is misplaced. Time after time, these “heroes” fail to rescue us, and yet, so many Americans continue to vote for them.

It is long past time for the American people to stop looking for the man in the red cape. It's time for them...for stand up and become our own heroes!

You want to see change? YOU be the change!

You want hope for the future? Take a look in the mirror!

You want a hero? What the heck are you waiting for?

Why are we here?

Why am I here?

Why are you here?

Why did you join the Libertarian Party?

I imagine that you wanted to join a party where they understand that we are each unique individuals?

I imagine that you wanted to join a party where its understood that your needs are not my needs and vice versa?

I imagine that you wanted to join a party where freedom and liberty are true ideals, not just pretty words that mean nothing when the rubber meets the road?

I imagine that you wanted to join a party where personal responsibility IS for the greater good, not just a mantra that acts as a snide remark for those who truly are helpless or unable to rise above the failed policies put forth by the other two parties?

Well, to YOU, I say, “Welcome!”, “Welcome to the Libertarian Party!” Welcome to the party that encourages each and every American to be a hero to himself or herself, to their family and to their community. Welcome to the party of freedom, liberty, and personal responsibility.

Welcome to the Libertarian Party!

You want help in your battle to change the world?

Welcome to the Libertarian Party!

You want to take a stand against the status quo, against the lesser and the greater evil?

Welcome to the Libertarian Party!

You want to take a stand against the chiseling away of what little freedoms and liberties we have left?

Welcome to the Libertarian Party!

You want real change and real hope for the future?

Welcome to the Libertarian Party!

You want to be a hero?

Welcome! Welcome to the Libertarian Party!

I know that my husband, my hero, is proud to stand as a member of the Libertarian Party. I am proud to count myself among you. You are all my heroes!

Thank you for welcoming me, this morning!"

He's not. He's seeking the nomination but he is NOT the Libertarian Party candidate. And, as I am a delegate to the convention, I will do my best to see that he doesn't get the nomination unless he can prove to me that his views have changed.

We might not agree on much..but we do agree that based on some of his views..he's no Libertarian.

In Liberty,

Nice speech. Very good indeed.

The Libertarian party needs to do the right thing... nominate Barr. Barr is sincere. The LP base is too diverse to always agree on every position their leader has. You have to pull behind (IMO) the most conservative minded candidate you can because, like it or not, the LP and Conservatism are close cousins and (IMO) the LP benefits greatly by a Conservative message in its platform. Note, Republicans do not own conservatism and I am not talking about bringing pro-war and nation building to the LP. Not all conservatives believe in that. In fact, true conservatives don't believe it at all.
I will do that. Wish I could say that it is a pleasure to serve. It's not, but it is important so I do it the best I can!